Chapter 30- Bon Voyage Season 2 | Episode 1 - Ocean, Desert, the World

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April 8th, 2017:

We had gone to the grocery store to get some snacks, dinner, and drinks. However, we had spent the first half hour getting Hawaiian shirts. It was a bit surprising to see a group of fans outside the grocery store watching us as we left. I waved over as we walked to the van and they all jumped around and giggled, making me laugh slightly.

We got back to the villa and were given the evening to do our own thing without cameras. We all helped in cooking dinner or setting the table. We then all went to the pool and beach connected to our villa. The boys had all hyped me up when I came out in a bikini. I rarely showed off the abs I was working hard to not gain too much so now with them being on full show, it was a novelty. I honestly don't think they'd even ever seen me show so much skin, so this was definitely new to them, and me. But given there were no cameras, we were all more relaxed and chill in general with the boys not wearing their cover shirts in the pool either, for example.

It was now quite late, and I was alone in the pool. The stars were so bright here and it brought me back to the last vacation I'd had with my mother and family. We had gone camping and laughed together under the canopy of starlight... until a bear showed up and sent us packing to our car. It was nice to be able to think back on those memories smiling now. I was leaning on the edge of the pool overlooking the beach in front and then the sky in my own world.

"Mind if I join you?" I recognise Namjoon's voice.

I turn around and see him swimming over to me.

"Yeah, sure," I nod, turning back to the beach.

"What were you thinking?" he asks, joining me on the ledge.

"Nothing much," I answer, "just looking at the stars and thinking of my mom. If she's up there, she's definitely one of those shining dots. I know it".

"I bet she's the brightest one. That one," he points to an extra big start to my right.

We fall into a comfortable silence for a bit.

"You ready to be the translator for the week?" he jokes, chuckling slightly.

"Are you?" I ask back, chuckling as well.

"I mean you're much more fluent than me," he counters smiling, "... I was wondering... Are you comfortable rooming with Jin hyung? I've been meaning to ask. We never really checked if you were okay sharing a room".

"Oh, yeah, it's fine," I nod, "completely fine. Thanks for asking though".

"Just wanted to check, you know... in case... you know..." he looks at me as if wishing I understood his worry without him having to voice it.

"I get it, don't worry," I smile, I pat his forearm in reassurance.

"... You know... How have you been doing?" he finally asks, making me laugh.

"You're not very subtle are you," I chuckle.

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