Chapter 67- PD Meeting

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August 17th, 2017:

Once back at my place, Jungkook had come up to stay with me because he didn't want to face the boys' comments and questions. I knew he felt incredibly guilty for leaving me alone, despite all my assurances it wasn't his fault, and he would have probably just gotten hurt if he had. He reminded me to text Hanbin when we got back home, nudging me and grinning the whole time.

Y/N: I'm home safely

Y/N: Thanks for helping tonight, really appreciate it

Y/N: Hope you're eye recovers well, lmk if you need to get anything for it, I'd like to help repay you for tonight

After a nice shower, I was in bed asleep. Flashes of the night's events ran through my mind, however, not allowing me to get the deep sleep I craved.


August 18th, 2017:

I woke up to my alarm and groaned having gotten very little real sleep. My back and wrist were also aching so badly, I turned off the alarm and saw the many texts from the boys asking what had happened and why Jungkook wasn't back at the dorm. Hanbin had also responded.

Hanbin: Glad you got back okay, Eunha got home safe too

Hanbin: Don't worry about me, it's you that's got the comeback soon

Hanbin: Take care of yourself sunbaenim

What was the honourific title there for? We'd literally slept together, he'd seen me have a panic attack at a club while getting punched, I felt we were way past honourific titles. Was it his way of building a barrier between us? But he was the one that had told me to text him to make sure I got home safe? What was he playing at?

Y/N: She texted, thanks for going with her, I know she felt much better because of it

Y/N: Take care too hoobae

I sit up, groaning at my aching back. I slowly get up and go down to the bathroom, throwing a pillow at Jungkook on my way to get him to wake up. When I undressed for a shower, I turned in the mirror to look at my back and saw great blue patches of on my lower back. My wrist was also blue in certain areas. This couldn't have come at a worse time.


We got to the company to a bunch of nervous-looking members. We were all, members and managers, in the lounge now, all eyes on me and Jungkook.

"Y/N, what the hell happened?" Yoongi said, looking at me worriedly.

"Is everyone here?" I sigh, not wanting to repeat myself over and over again, "ok, and before I start, I cannot stress this enough, I am fine. Nothing absolutely horrible happened, okay," I say, looking at all the members and managers present before going into a retelling of the night.

"Thank god B.I was there," Hoseok sighed, his eyes still wide as I finished my retelling.

"The audacity of some men," Namjoon said shaking his head, "I'm glad Eunha stuck by you. Of course, Hanbin too, but Eunha helped make sure you didn't go over the edge... it would've been a lot worse had she not been there..."

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