Chapter 80- Serious Stuff

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October 7th, 2017:

I woke up feeling Hanbin's arm over me, his body cuddling me. We were now in bed in the loft since we'd relocated there for the comfort of my back. I'd forgotten to put an alarm on, but it seemed like my body just automatically woke up early nowadays.

Hanbin could probably feel me moving around as he groaned and pushed me into him more, probably trying to tell me to sleep in. I chuckle and pat his arm, telling him I couldn't. He groans again, letting me go after a few seconds. I lean forward to grab my phone. I had texts from the Jieun group chat, the boys' group chat, my sister and dad, and Timothée. I wondered if I'd ever wake up to a phone empty of notifications again. I answer the Jieun group chat, thanking them again for last night and asking how everyone was doing this morning given how much they'd drank. I then answered my sister about a meet up saying I'd have to check the schedule. My dad's had just been an update on everything he did regularly so I responded with the usual response of what I'd been up to and for him to not work too hard. Taehyung had sent a few memes to the group's group chat and Hoseok a fan cover, I just simply reacted to all of them. Finally, I went to Timothée's text about what book we should read this month. We were a little late in deciding because of how busy I'd been.

"Is that your ex?" Hanbin says groggily over my shoulder.

I pause a little surprised he knew.

"How'd you know?" I say, not turning to look at him, instead continuing to answer Timothée.

"One of your members told me," he says plainly.

I finally put my phone down and turned to look at him. He was still lying down but facing me with his eyes open now. I felt like I knew which member had told him, there was only one that he'd been in contact with recently so it was a bit of a giveaway.

"I was also told a few things by my members," I say, ready for this conversation, "I was told you wouldn't be happy that I still talked to him".

Hanbin doesn't answer right away. It looked like he was thinking deeply about how to answer. He wasn't looking at me but over my shoulder and the ceiling.

"I trust you," he finally says, looking back at me.

I look at him a little off guard, I hadn't expected him to be okay with it from the get-go.

"I mean, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little jealous," he explains after seeing my look, brushing some hair out of my face, "but I do trust you and I know me trying to control who you talk to will get me nowhere but in the time-out corner..." I nod, proud he knew that, "but like... out of curiosity... what do you talk about?"

I grin, almost letting out a laugh, happy that he was being honest with me.

"Mainly sports and this book club thing we've made," I answer, "nothing for you to feel threatened over".

"Me? Threatened?" he jokingly scoffs making me chuckle and shake my head.

I get up much to his displeasure.

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