Chapter 52 - Appendix

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May 14th, 2017:

I woke up from a very well-rested sleep. I couldn't see any sun peeking out from behind the curtains, but given I'd basically slept all yesterday, I wasn't tired enough to go back to sleep. I was, however, very hungry having skipped dinner last night despite all the pleading by the staff to get me to eat. I felt completely recovered as I got out of bed and quietly walked to the suite to get something to eat, leaving a sleeping Jungkook in my room.

A fruit bowl had been left out and I grabbed an orange and a banana. I then sat down on the couch and went on my phone for the first time since leaving Japan. I had an unbelievable number of unread texts and several missed calls, the calls probably from sasaeng fans as I didn't recognise the majority of the numbers.

Jungkook's recount of the concert last night gave me the confidence to finally check Twitter. I found a #ProtectY/N hashtag in the global trending hashtags. I clicked on it and found thousands of supportive messages. I got that warm and fuzzy feeling in my heart that I so rarely got as I read them all. ARMY weren't upset, in fact, they seemed relieved to hear I got to rest. It was strange to think they wanted me to rest instead of perform given I was paid, by them, to do so. We truly didn't deserve them. I chuckled at a tweet with a meme taken from a RUN episode of me looking flabbergasted as I continued to read the Tweets. They weren't always right, given I had taken a break, just maybe not from official schedules during the court debacle, but the sentiment remained the same.



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