Chapter 42- The Hate You Give

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April 19th, 2017:

I was running late and felt terrible about making Heeyoung wait outside my door awkwardly.

"Hi! I'm so sorry," I say, rushing up to my door apologetically, "you haven't been waiting long, have you?"

"No, it's okay. I know you're busy," she smiles.

I punch in the code and open the door.

"Come in, come in," I say, moving the small pile of shoes from the entrance so there was room for two people to stand in the entrance.

"How was your day? Did you have class?" I ask going to put my bag by my desk.

"Yeah, in the morning, 8:30am," she nods, going into the kitchen to put down the plastic bag she was holding. She takes out a bottle of soju, two cans of beer, and a box of chicken.

"Noooo, you did not get chicken," I semi-shout, "urgh, it smells so good".

"Diet goes on a break tonight," she grinned, "I got the small box knowing you'd be like this though".

I go to the other side of the counter and pick up the chicken, wafting the smell towards me.

"You know you want it," she chuckles.

"I shouldn't..." I sigh.

"Up to you," she shrugs, going to bring the soju and beer into the living room.

I get some glasses and sit on the couch next to her. I pour us some somaek as Heeyoung turned on the two lamps and closed the overhead light for more of a mood.

"So, what class did you have today?" I ask, bending my knee up onto the couch so I could rest my head on it.

"Biology," she sighed, "it's so intense... and there's this guy that just won't stop asking stupid questions–"

We went on talk about her university classes and her new life transitioning to university. We also talked about the drama of the tour, everything that the group did in Hawaii, and Daeseong's release. I had also caved and eaten some chicken. It was two hours in, and the alcohol was gone.

"Ok, we've gone through all the classes and drama, but what about your love life?" I ask looking at her expectantly.

"Yeah... about that," she chuckles blushing and looking away, "that's what I wanted to talk about in person".

"Oh my god," I shriek getting all excited, "who is it? Tell me everything".

"Well... umm... it might not be who you expected?" she says nervously.

"What do you mean?" I look at her confused, "is it a celebrity? Do I know them?"

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