Chapter 74- Inconsistencies

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September 25th, 2017:

I got a text from Hanbin telling me he was here and I met him in the lobby, being refused entry by security. It was late and nearly everyone was home, but security obviously held the same standards day or night.

"I've been invited," he was saying trying to convince them, "I know Lee Y/N, the BTS member. They let me up, come on".

"Where's your invitation?" security answered, looking at him skeptically, "we haven't been told".

"Sorry, sorry," I came up to them, "I did invite him, he's good".

Security looks at me unimpressed but let him through.

"Sorry about that, I forgot to let them know," I say smiling a bit embarrassed. However, I purposefully didn't tell them to not have any paper trail about his coming here.

"It's okay," he smiles, removing his mask and cap.

"Nice cover-up," I chuckle.

"Thought you'd appreciate me being incognito," he says, "well, I do too".

"Let's get to my studio before the boys can bombard you," I say, walking quicker, "sorry for the state of it, it's pretty empty. I just got it today".

"Oh, that's exciting, what are your plans for it?" he asks as we get to it.

"I'm thinking a nude colour scheme with like small splashes of colour. I wanna get some shelves in here," I say opening the door, letting him in and pointing to a bare wall, "put books and pictures and memorabilia on them. Then like a bean bag or some type of comfy chair there. Some picture frames on the wall, and a rug, definitely needs a rug".

"Sounds like you had a plan before even getting it," Hanbin chuckles.

"Yeah, well, I've seen some pretty boring, or flat-out ugly, studios," I respond, "I can't have mine be like that, on principle".

"Where does mine fall on the scale of boring to ugly?" he questions, eyebrow raised.

"Ummm... honestly?" I ask.

He nods, starting to smile already, probably guessing my answer from this.

"A bit... a bit more on the boring side," I say, biting my lip unsure if I should be this forward, Hanbin laughed, "you need a bit more like volume to it. It was all kind of dark and flat..."

"Duly noted," he said, stopping to laugh.

"Oh woah," he says impressed, walking to the desk, "this is some nice equipment... wow".

"Gift from my CEO," I smile, happy that he had obviously made the right choice.

BTS Eighth Member | The Life: Year 2017Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora