Chapter 9- A Hug is Worth A Thousand Words

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February 26th, 2017:

Yoona dropped me off at my apartment and spoke up before I could leave the car.

"You sure you don't want me to stay with you for a bit?" she asks, "I'm sorry you can't see the letter. We can't get it back from the police until they're done with it".

"It's fine," I sigh, "maybe it's for the better".

I close the door, maybe a bit harder than was necessary. I angrily go up to my apartment. I drop my bag by the door and plop myself down on the couch. I put my head in my hands, rubbing my eyes vigorously. Despite my outcry earlier, I didn't want this to be found out. It would be too embarrassing, too traumatizing for the whole world to see me in my private, personal space. And anyway, I had already taken up too much of the news cycle for the group. I sighed getting up to go shower.
Once I was done with my routine, I came out to my phone vibrating. It was Krystal. I had been expecting this but thought it would have come earlier. I honestly didn't want to answer, I didn't need this right now, but I also felt I owed it to her.

"Hi," I begrudgingly pick up, already feeling slightly ashamed.

"Hey Y/N," Krystal says, no anger or disappointment in her voice, "how are you?"

"I'm... I'm good," I lie, thinking she probably didn't really care but was being polite, "how are you?"

"Oh, well... you know... lots has been happening," she sighs, "the breakup couldn't have come at a worse time really... with my comeback and all".

"I'm so sorry about the breakup," I say, knowing I was saying it more than just a polite response since I was partly responsible.

"Yes... I thought you would be," she says, her voice faltering, "I guess you know that's why I've called".

"Yes," I say, nodding as if she could see me, "I thought you'd have called earlier, to be honest".

"Yeah, well I thought I should probably let my anger subside before talking to you, and then I got kind of busy," she admits, "because I was really upset Y/N. Jongin told me everything. How he wasn't over you... and the kiss..."

"And you had every right to be. I truly am so sorry for everything you've had to go through. I didn't want any of it to happen," I say sincerely.

"But I'm glad I took some time to think because it made me realise I shouldn't be angry at you," she continued, ignoring my apology, "you didn't ask for Jongin to be head over heels for you and you didn't ask for that kiss, as far as I know. So, I wanted to call to let you know I don't have any ill feelings toward you. It's all good".

"Oh wow..." I say, slightly surprised to hear that. I would have found it absolutely normal for Krystal to be mad at me. "Thanks for saying that. I appreciate it. But again, I can't say it enough, I am really sorry for everything. I do know he did still love you Krystal unnie".

"Yeah... well not enough to forget you," she sighed, "I'm sorry you've had to go through this. I hope you and Tim are still going strong?"

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