Chapter 33- Bon Voyage Season 2 | Episode 3.1

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April 10th, 2017:

After a nice walk in the nearby park, a game of finding out who was fastest (it was a tight race, but he won), playing with some local dogs, and buying the magnets I wanted, we went to go find somewhere to get a proper meal.

"How about here?" I suggest, pointing to a Hamburger place on the water up ahead.

"I'm down," Hoseok smiles.

We were seated at a nice table overlooking the water in the corner. It almost felt like a couples table, and I hoped the hostess hadn't misunderstood. We looked out at the water after we'd ordered in comfortable silence. I turned to look at him and found him staring.

"What?" I chuckle blushing.

"I don't know, I'm just happy to be spending this time with you," he smiles back, "we don't often get one-on-one time outside of touring"

"You're so cringy," I laugh.

"Sue me," he shrugs, "I'm just happy we're getting this time to relax".

"Isn't it Yoongi's that getting sued," I say, making us all laugh.

"Your drinks," the waiter said, placing down our glasses of two Coke down.

"Cheers," he says, picking up his glass and clinking it with mine.

"To a bright future," I smile.

"A bright future," he repeats.

"So, what are you most looking forward to in the second leg of the tour?" I ask, striking up a regular conversation for the show.

"Hmmm, I don't know," he says pensively, "I always love spending time with you guys, you know, just us cuz that's what touring is like. We're stuck together, but it's not bad. I like it. We're kind of like... eight peas in a pod".

I laugh.

"Are ARMY the pod?" I chuckle, "I like that analogy".

"Like you mentioned before, it can be tiring though," he acknowledges, "so I think it's important we have each other".

"I agree," I nod, "I don't think I could do this solo. I would've given up a long time ago".

"You must feel alone sometimes though," Hoseok says, looking at me intently.

"I mean, I think we all do at certain times," I deflect from his real question, "do you?"

"... Yes, I do," he agrees, "we're all so different it sometimes amazes me how we all get along, but still at times you feel all alone with your thoughts and expectations... or you feel you are".

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