Chapter 12- Chile Concerts

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Author's Note at the End :)

March 12th, 2017:

The first concert in Chile had gone well. The altitude had definitely impacted us, but we were still going strong so far. We had just run down the concert from yesterday to fix any mistakes or find better alternatives to the stage setting to make things more comfortable for us.

"Do just like yesterday, okay?" Hoseok says, clapping his hands together as we all went off to get changed for the show.

I had put on the first outfit of the concert and was getting my hair and makeup done when Jungkook walked into my changing area.

"What's up," he smiles, walking in with his hands in his pockets.

"Nothing," I chuckle at his nonchalant entrance.

"I got this new game, wanna play with me tonight?" he asks, sitting down on the plastic chair in the corner.

"Of course," I beam at him through the mirror.

"I also saw this new anime that's come out I think we should watch it," I add.

"Oh cool," he smiles, "I was worried I'd be bored during the tour".

"Bored? With me there?" I say in a fake hurt tone.

He laughs.

"... Has Kai sunbaenim contacted you recently?" he asks tentatively.

"No," I laugh dryly.

"So, you guys really burnt all your bridges huh," he says.

"I mean I did tell him pretty angrily to leave me the f alone," I sigh, "maybe I really scared him with the whole don't talk to me, look at me, and like breathe the same air as me talk".

"Still, you're being lit at the stake right now... because of him," Jungkook says, slight anger in his voice.

"I wouldn't really know honestly, I've stopped going on Twitter for now," I respond, "it was his relationship, his mess. If he doesn't want to contact me then whatever... I just thought he'd at least respect me enough to have contacted".

"Yeah, I thought he would've," he sighs, "I don't know... I never thought you guys would be in this situation..."

I just frown, not really enjoying where this conversation was going.

"Your shirt's coming out of your fly," I point out, realizing for the first time.

He quickly looks down and blushes, fixing his shirt.

"What about you? Still afraid of girls? You haven't talked about anyone recently," I ask, eyebrow raised suggestively.

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