Chapter 103- The Diagnosis

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*Author's Note: I am not a doctor, nurse, or in the medical field whatsoever so all my diagnosis and injury explanation are solely based on my own research and could very well be completely wrong scientifically/unavailable in the healthcare system though I have tried my best for it to be mostly accurate. Please be kind with me lol.

December 1st, 2017:

After waiting for a bit at the hospital, I was taken to meet a doctor, take a few x-rays and MRI scans, and run through a couple painful tests. The boys had all texted their best wishes telling me to listen to the doctor before they boarded their flight back to Korea to be back well in time for the Melon Music Awards tomorrow. I had already comes to term with the gut-wrenching fact I'd be missing it.

"So, this has happened to you before?" the doctor questioned, coming back into the room after having had a discussion with nurses and other doctors outside over my x-rays.

"Yes," I nod, "twice".

"And you've never had surgery done afterwards?" she says sounding a bit confused about this fact.

"... No, I was never told to," I say unsure, "it always kind of just went back to normal. It bruised but other than that it was fine".

"Alright, well, from the scans, it looks like you have a rotator cuff complete tear," the doctors says seriously, "I would guess you'd just strained it when you fell in LA and then by continuing to do strenuous activity, such as your dances, it fully tore. Now, there are a couple of routes you could take here. The one I would recommend would be a keyhole surgery. It's basically not invasive so it won't leave a large scar and it is the surest way to ensure the tear is fixed and heals properly. I recommend you do the surgery as soon as possible for maximum effectiveness".

"Right..." I nod, not liking the sound of surgery, "and what are the other options?"

"If you don't want to do surgery, you can get injections that greatly help with the pain and are shown to increase the function of the shoulder, but it would have to be done with intense physiotherapy which could last anywhere between six to twelve months. With how fit you are and the seriousness of the injury, I'd estimate it'd take you roughly eight months, but that's just an estimate off of what I know solely from these preliminary scans. It could happen to need a whole year. You could also try the injections, it'd be one every two weeks with physiotherapy for a couple months and if you feel it isn't working then surgery could still be an option," the doctor explains.

"Okay," I nod again, all the options running through my mind.

"Do you think she can travel tomorrow? Or would she need an injection or something?" Yoona asks, listening intently, if not more than me.

"She can travel, but it won't be painless, I could give her painkillers, as well as a sling obviously. Or I can schedule for you to have an ultrasound guided injection tomorrow, but she would have to wait a day for it to fully kick in," the doctor answers, "so she'd only be able to fly out on the evening of the 3rd".

"What do you think Y/N? We'll go with whichever you prefer," Yoona says, turning to me, "it's already been decided you're not going to Melon, not even as just an attendee. We've told them already so no need to argue about it".

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