Chapter 13- Burn The Stage Interview #1

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March 13th, 2017:

I woke up late in the morning, nearly the afternoon since we didn't have any schedule other than interviews with the docuseries team. I slowly got out of bed and did my morning routine. I only responded to the manager's texts asking if I was awake when I was done. I then walked to the suite to get something to eat.

"The sleeping beauty is up," Sejin chuckles when he sees me walk in.

I smile and flip my hair making it fly in the air beautifully.

"How you feeling?" Yoona who was sitting next to him asked.

"Good, much better," I nod, going to take a banana from the fruit basket, "like I'm back to normal. Have you guys seen Jungkook? How's he doing?"

"He's fine too," Sejin says sounding relieved we were both fine.

"You ready to do the interview?" Yoona asks.

"Yeah, I can go whenever," I say, sitting next to them and peeling my banana.

"Okay, J-hope is just finishing his, you can go after him," Yoona smiles, "no one else is around right now".

"Sounds good," I say, "what room?"

Yoona gives me the room number and I stand up just as soon as I sat down to go see if Hoseok was almost done. I get to the room and there was a camera set up on a tripod filming Hoseok sitting next to a table. A stylist sees me and comes over.

"Are you next?" she whispers so as to not disturb the filming.

"Yeah, are we getting our makeup done?" I whisper back.

"Just a bit," she nods, going to get her makeup box and brushes.

I sit down on the bed finishing my banana and letting the stylist do her thing as I watched Hoseok finish his interview.

"The makneas' are really hard on themselves and always try to push the envelope as far as it can go, but it's rare that they go this far," Hoseok spoke, "it was a bit surprising and really scary. Like I thought Y/N," he glances at me for a split second, "was fine and then she just crashed. I don't know which was worse, the slow crash or the fast one," he laughed, "either way, we didn't really know what was happening to either and so it made everything even more worrying, but they both just kept on going as if nothing was going when in front of ARMY. I think this incident probably best sums them up as people and artists really. They were willing to put themselves on the line to ensure that the concert was amazing, we could finish as a group, and ARMY had a good time they could remember for a long time... yeah".

"Great, well if that's all you want to say, that's it for now," the director says, clapping his hands together.

"Cool, excited for the next time," Hoseok chuckles standing up and bowing thanking everyone for their work.

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