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As the next day started with sun rising, and the couple got ready to visit the other places, as with Ashar and Ahad friends together, while the others planed to stay in their rooms, “can we ride on your bike today, instead of our car please” Hayat said getting to the parking lot of the hotel with others on side, “then can I drive your car Miss Hayat” Ashar said coming in front of Hayat, “of course, here” taking the keys all excited Ashar run towards the car while Ahad looked at his wife who was all excited to ride the bike with him today, taking the seat, Ahad gave his jacket to Hayat, “Wear it” he said, “Why?” Hayat asked as he looked at his hand which had the black leather jacket, “for your safety and yeah take my helmet too, here” Hayat took the jacket but said, “you wear your helmet yourself, you need it more” wearing the jacket she said as Ahad said, “I’ll wear Ashar’s helmet, you can wear this one, hmm” nodding the head Hayat wore the helmet and took the backseat....

All of them were riding the bike except Ashar as he was driving the Hayat’s car, riding the bike on low speed of first gear shoot, Ahad tried his best to make the riding most comfortable for Hayat, as it’s there first time riding the bike together, Ahad looked back to see Ashar following him with Hammad, Sahil and Samir from behind, Ashar took a cut from behind as he overtook him, Ahad just smiled, shaking his head a little as he rode his bike on minimal speed as Hayat held him from his waist...

Stopping their bikes and car on the signal, Hayat said, “you can speed up the bike I won’t be scared” Ahad held her right hand as he put his left hand on her, he said, “your comfort is my top priority mera bacha” Hayat held his left hand from her left one as she said, “I’m comfortable that is why I’m sitting with you on the bike naa” Ahad held her left hand from his right, as they held each others hand talking, not knowing someone else was recording their lovely moments from his phone, “singles ki tou parwa hi nahi ha! Marjaye hum kiyaa? (Nobody cares about us singles, should we go die?) He says as he shares the video in the group and with his parents, putting his phone aside he started driving the car as the signal turned green...

Visiting the other beautiful places of Lahore they soon shopped somethings for themselves and made their way to Islamabad in their own cars and bikes, as they took M2 motorway to reach Islamabad, coving the distance of 294.3km in two hours while talking to each other on call and capturing videos....

“I have booked our rooms in Islamabad Serena Hotel, are you all okay with it?” asked Ahmad on the call while Hayat replied, “ohh, it’s the best, thank you” while driving the car as they parked the car in the hotel parking lot, it was 10 pm already when they reached the place, getting down Hayat went to Ahad and asked, “Can I call Sana to join us here, she would be happy to know about my stay here” Ahad smiled at her and nodded his head, while taking her right hand in her they went inside.....After talking to Sana for sometimes Hayat decided to have a bath while Ahad went out to attend a call, “can we have dine Inn for now?” She asked as she saw Ahad coming inside the room with some bags on hand, “sure, we can, here, I had Asfia order some dresses for you and some warm clothes since its getting colder here and we haven’t brought a lot of luggage too” taking the bags from his hand Hayat found herself some beautiful kurta and tries them on, after ending the day, they decided to sleep....
The day started with the phone buzzing with lots of messages as Hayat checked them she got embarrassed, turning her head to see Ahad shocked she realised she was not the only one who messages from ammi, abbu  and the group....Ashar shared a video of them holding each others hand while waiting for the signal turn green yesterday, while Ahad watched the video, admiring the bond they have created, shared without their knowledge they have become a source of happiness for each other, there were many of there pictures that Ashar send in the group, those were taken when they didn’t knew about it, all pictures were like memories  now, memories they shared, Hayat turned to Ahad and said, “this picture looks the best, isn’t? How did he even took out a picture while we were holding hand walking in the park?” Ahad just smiled and went to the washroom to get changed as Hayat started taking clothes out for him and herself for the day....
“Where are you guys?” Hayat asked as she called Ashar after him not waking them up early in the morning, “we guys are at the pool swimming while girls went in the gym, we hadn’t had breakfast till now, just enjoying here” Ashar said, “okay, we are moving out to explore the city” said Hayat as she heard some noise from background, “I’m going to explore the city too on my bike alone, since I need to shoot a video for my followers, but maybe I’ll leave at night for it so let bhai know about it okay” Ashar said as they cut the call and went out, a week stay in Islamabad is what she wanted to have.....a week stay here was Ahad’s decision, he wanted to replace the saddest memories of Hayat to make them the happiest one with him and other on her side, he wanted to let her know that the family she found was the one and only she needs, he wanted to make her feel loved by ever person around her, he wanted to let her know that she isn’t alone now, he wanted to have make memories they both can cherish together when they get old together.....he, her husband wanted to do the best for her...his wife...Hayat....Mrs. Ahad....

After having their breakfast together, they decided to visit some places together without the group, Hayat wanted to visit the school she once went, Ahad drove the car with Hayat on the passenger seat going to the old school.....After visiting the school Hayat took Ahad to the park that was close to her father’s house, sitting on one of the benches, Hayat looked at the front as she spoke, “my father married my mother after two years of dating and they didn’t had a kid for seven years, while my mother couldn’t get pregnant my father cheated on her and married a women of my grandmother choice, who’s now my step mother, they had a child before Sana that died after birth, after my mother got pregnant with me, she found out about my father cheating on her and she couldn’t walk away from the marriage because I was in her belly, she went to depression because of the situation and had a critical labour and she died after some moments of giving birth to me, my father didn’t wanted to accept me but he did because his second wife had no child that moment, but fortunately she got pregnant with Sana after four years of my birth, after her birth I was just like a football, being kicked from one place to another, from one place to another without my knowledge, I had loveless family until I turned 14, I met Eira online and then everything started to get in place, we used to talk we used to cry together, I personally made a lot of memories with her and because of her too....I argued with my father and came to Karachi and got admission in the same college as her, she was a year senior than me, then I followed her foot steps and got admission in IBA, even though she lived in Karachi but she choose to stay in a hostel with me, our seeking out, driving Chachu’s car at night, going for shopping together everything was good until that one evening, I was on call with Sana, when we planned to seek out of the hostel to get ourselves something to eat when the hostel lady caught us and reported us.....I-I miss her Ahad, if not because of me insisting her to sneak out, she- she would have been here with us, I’m so sorry Ahad- I’m scared you will leave me too because I’m pathetic, clingy, emotional....I’m too damaged...I- I changed Ahad after her death, I started to smoke, I used to go to the clubs at night, I didn’t pray, I wore short clothes, I started to harm myself...why did you even marry me? I’m too pathetic, Ahad! You’ll leave me too one day because I’m a bad luck, i- my- my mother died right after giving birth to me, my- my sister, my best friend died after my mistake, I’m pathetic Ahad” Hayat spoke her heart out all at once while crying in his embrace, he held her tightly to himself, never for once he stopped her, he listened to her while tears were visible in his eyes, he tried to held himself strong.....he caress her back and whisperingly said, “I won’t leave you ever meri jaan, meri jaan went through a lot, but now I’m here with you, I’ll always love my baby, don’t cry hmmm” he tried to counsel her while she cried and hugged him tightly....he have noticed his wife loves crying when she’s upset and he can’t do anything yet counsel her....

Coming back to the hotel, they met Ashar midway through their room, “it’s evening guys where were you?” Ashar asked Ahad as he saw him first but as his eyes landed on Hayat he saw her puffy eyes and was shocked, getting angry suddenly he held Ahad by his shirt colour and asked, “you made her cry bhai!” Ashar was angry. He didn’t expect to see her puffy eyes on the third week of their marriage. He couldn’t digest the fact.... Ahad slapped Ashar hands away and punched him on his face, holding Ashar’s arm he unlocked the door of his room and gestured Hayat to get inside as she went it Ahad kicked Ashar in the room too while he protested about the events his brother has done to him.... “your girlfriend- NO your bhabi was crying not because of me but some other reason and I’m her husband you idiot, why would I make her cry, do you think I don’t want to protect her as much as you do, huhhhhh” Ahad was angry as Ashar habit of being impulsive has been getting out of hand, Ahad was about too slap Ashar when Hayat said, “stop, stop you already kicked, slapped and punched him bubba, no more abuse on your little brother” Ashar looked at then silently and guessed the situation and spoke out, “why were you crying idiot, tell me!” Hayat looked at Ahad as he said, “If you want you can tell him, it’s all up to you meri jaan” caressing her head......After telling Ashar somethings about their talk as Hayat sat on the bed while Ahad was holding her hand caressing it, and Ashar sat on the sofa listening to her with head held in his hand...Getting up from the sofa he kneeled down in front of his brother and Hayat as he said, “Well, you got me bro, I’m here now, if this man, or any one else even points a finger towards you just let me know it, I know, this your husband is kind but I’m different so I’ll kick and beat the shit out of the those for you, you got this man and me by your side, don’t think about the past hmm” getting up he patted her head and head out giving time to the couple....

The night went with them eating at the hotel, Ashar and his friends (Uneeb, Ali and his girlfriend Sadaf, Rehman, Ahmad and his wife) decided to have a night long race and drive in the city and make some memories while Ahad friends (Hammad, Samir, Sahil) decided to have a stay in the hotel while Hammad sister Asfia decided to shoot some videos at the gym and swimming area of the hotel, and the couple decided to have some midnight snacks with Sana at a restaurant...

“How are you, appi and Ahad- bhai” Sana greeted and asked as they sat down while the name took Ahad by surprise, as the sister started talking Ahad found Sana asking about Ashar a lot, he noticed her taking interest in him and then Ahad decided to tease him, “I guess my sister-in-law is interested in you....” I texted Ashar as he replied soon, “bhai, to tell you the truth I like someone already so you need to stop talking about your sister-in-law to me, my one already thinks of me as a playboy, if she finds out about her, she’ll be furious” Ahad frowned as he found such a new found information about his brother and thought to share it with his other half, tapping her hand a little as she turned her attention to him and found him showing her his phone, reading the message she looked shocked at her husband as he shrugged his shoulder, nodding at him she continued her talk with Sana, not talking about Ashar again....

The next day they decided to visit some most beautiful places together as a group with Sana joining them too, while they visited a lot places, everyone noticed Sana taking interest in Ashar and talking to him every time she got a chance.....Ahad got a call in the middle of their visit to Rawal Lake, Ahad had to go back to their hotel so he could email the project details to Fawad, turning to Hayat he saw her getting up to move back with him when Ahad said, “no, no, you stay here and enjoy with them, I’ll come back within an hour okay, I’m going to take my bike to go to the hotel okay, hmmm” he tried to make her understand as Ashar came up and said, “Oh! Don’t give yourself so much importance, get lost, I can take care of my girlfriend” Ahad nodded to him and moved out after patting her head a little....

“I want to go on the boat ride” Asfia said as she come up to others, everyone agreed to go on the boat ride except Hayat, “I’m scared of water” Hayat said to Ashar as they both decided to stay behind, it was getting dark, as the sun was setting down while they were taking pictures, Hayat got a call suddenly from Sana as she asked Hayat to come to the side of the rode, she wanted to have her jacket from her car, as Hayat moved towards the car, Ashar interpreted from behind, “Where are you going idiot?” She turned to him and said, “Well Sana wants her jacket from my car, she’s feeling cold here...” Hayat tried to move towards her car when Ashar started to follow her too....

Suddenly Ashar was called by Uneeb, as he turned around to talk to him and had some moments talking there, shortly after he heard Hayat shouting for help, turning around he saw her being dragged in a car by some men, running towards the car with Uneeb, he searched for his keys which were not in his pocket, he screamed at Uneeb, “get me the bike keys from others” he looked at the car that was speeding away with Hayat in it, he called Ahad, “bhai, someone took Hayat with them in Range Rover,” other boys soon came and started there bike, speeding up to catch up to them, while Ashar was on the call, he heard Ahad riding the bike as he spoke, “follow them to where they are taking her, don’t stop in the middle of the road, get in the house with the guys, share your live location to me, I’m on my way too.”

Ashar was getting furious yet scared for her, he was the one who took responsibility to take care of her while Ahad goes to do his work, he was tearing up inside his helmet, praying for her safety he followed her with others....Riding the bike on the speed which made them face to face with the car yet they didn’t cross the path and stopped the car as Ahad had said, praying for her safety he heard someone calling him from his Bluetooth but his focus was on his bhabi, he ignored the calls and followed the car...

2850 words

Insta: author_muniba

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