Chapter 62

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There are only a few ferris wheels in pure glass warehouses in the world, and the one in this theme park is undoubtedly one of them. The glass cabin does not obstruct the line of sight, and you can enjoy the scenery in 360 degrees, but it also has disadvantages, and it is not very private.

Standing on the ground, you may not be able to see clearly what the people in the high Ferris wheel are doing, but Jisoo can see clearly when she is in it. Looking around, the couples in the glass warehouse are all kissing, which is indeed a holy place for kissing.

Jisoo looked away shyly, picking at the glass and pretending not to see anything.

After sitting quietly for a circle, the two got off the Ferris wheel hand in hand, and night finally fell. The landscape lights in the park are lit up one by one. There is a flowing light and shadow floating in the distance, getting closer and closer with the rhythm of the music. The staff came first and set up a cordon on both sides of the main road. The tourists gathered like tadpoles, shoulder to shoulder, densely packed.

The night cruise begins.

The cheerful music is getting louder and louder, and the leading phalanx is approaching. The beautiful girls in luminous clothes are waving their wings, like night butterflies fluttering, followed by colorful floats, dressed as flower fairies. Girls waved fairy wands to warmly greet tourists.

Everyone was very excited, holding up their mobile phones to record, and swaying their bodies slightly to the beat of the music. Jisoo was caught between the crowd, her sight was blocked by rows of dark heads, and she stood on tiptoe and stretched her neck to look hard.

Jennie kept holding Jisoo's hand to prevent the crowd from squeezing them apart. Seeing that she was struggling to see, she stood back half a step and motioned her to stand in front of her.

Jisoo squeezed sideways and stood in Jeennie's arms, only then did she see the float passing by, and let out a delayed "Wow".

People and floats of different shapes passed by one after another, and the joyful atmosphere was wave after wave. When the giant rose float appeared at the finale, the atmosphere of the whole park was pushed to a climax.

With a clear whistle, a light gold and light purple firework exploded in the night sky above, attracting everyone's attention. Afterwards, continuous fireworks rose into the sky, blooming brilliant light and shadow on the pure black dome.

The cordon on the roadside has been dismantled, and the gathered crowd gradually dispersed, standing, sitting or strolling, and everyone is free to enjoy the romance of the moment.

Jennie and Jisoo walked to the fountain holding hands, and the fiery trees and silver flowers were reflected in the water, like a pool of Milky Way scattered, sparkling with sparkling stars.

Jisoo looked up at the people around her, the emotion in her eyes was hot and intense, as hot as the flames boiling in her heart.

Just now in the Ferris wheel, she was extremely shy, now the night is dark, and people around can't see her clearly, so Jisoo has the courage. With bright eyes and full of expectation, she whispered, "Master...I want to kiss you."

Jennie stood there quietly, smiling lightly: "Okay."

Jennie was a few centimeters taller than her, and Jisoo stood on tiptoe, stretched her neck, and leaned forward. The tip of the nose is close to the tip of the nose, breathing close at hand, Jisoo raised her eyes timidly, facing Jennie warm and smiling eyes, the courage she mustered was like a punctured balloon, and it was lost in a puff.

Her heart was beating so fast that it was about to fly out of her chest, Jisoo took a deep breath and exhaled slowly to adjust her heart rate. Jennie looked at her quietly, her eyes seemed to say, are you still kissing?

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