Chapter 24

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{Conflict?.. }

I didn't have time to look at my phone all morning, so Jisoo took out her phone to take a look at it. There were no missed calls, a few spam text messages, and dozens of WeChat reminders.

I clicked and looked, and it was the people from the weather forecast group of the Cardiac Surgery Department who were chatting.

At the beginning, I felt that Master Kim didn't come today, and the ward was sunny and beautiful. Later, we talked until the weekend is the Mid-Autumn Festival. After the big fish and meat, it is estimated that there will be a surge of patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Following this topic, we began to discuss how to arrange shifts during the three-day Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, and how foreigners who can't go home should celebrate the festival so that they don't look miserable.

Sana suggested: [How about we find a place to get together? There are a lot of people outside, and the noise is so loud, why don't we see whose residence is convenient for cooking, and we cook and eat by ourselves? 】

No reply.

Looking at the time, it was already recorded two hours ago. I guess I just finished checking the house at that time, and I still had some free time, and I couldn't take care of it when I got busy later.

Jisoo thought for a while, and replied: [I'm going to have dinner with my parents on Mid-Autumn Festival, and I was at home two days ago, everyone can come to my house for dinner. 】

As soon as I knocked and sent it, I heard the door of the consulting room being slapped loudly, and someone yelled: "you haven't called my number after waiting for a long time, so you're playing with your mobile phone!"

Jisoo looked up and saw a man walking in angrily. He was puffy and had a fierce expression, looking like an angry puffer fish.

Jisoo hurriedly stood up to greet her, and was about to put away the phone when the man rushed up and snatched the phone, and threw it out.

"I've been waiting all morning! The nurses are ignorant of answers, and the doctors are playing with their mobile phones in outpatient clinics. Your affiliated hospital is a piece of **** and will close down sooner or later!"

Jisoo was stunned by the yelling, looked at the cell phone lying on the ground, and after a few seconds of slowness, she came to her senses: "How can you talk like that?!"

"What's wrong with me just talking like that! What's your work attitude? I'm not feeling well in my heart, don't bb with me, see a doctor quickly!" The man stood half a meter away from Min Yue, his fat body was like a wall, blocking it up the light.

Jisoo was shrouded in shadows, not knowing what to do, so she wanted to contact the security department to support the scene. As soon as he picked up the handset of the fixed line, the other party rushed over, lifted the phone and threw it to the ground.

Jisoo's eyelids twitched in shock, and subconsciously wanted to run out and call for someone. While secretly moving out with small steps, he tried to find an excuse to comfort him: "I'm an intern doctor, and I don't have the right to prescribe. I'll call another doctor for you."

When the man heard her explanation, he became even angrier, and grabbed Jisoo's white coat by the collar. "You don't know how to see a doctor, what are you doing in the outpatient clinic? Wasting my time, or do you want to harm me?"

The collar strangled her neck, Jisoo couldn't breathe, and couldn't care less about delaying the attack, she shouted in a panic: "Nurse! Nurse!"

The corridor was empty, there was no one there, and the waiting area was very noisy, and Jisoo's call for help was drowned out by the noise.

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