Chapter Fifty-Six- Catch of the Day

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"Wait what's happening?" Judas calls from the shoreline.

There I stood with some of the blue staff. The blue staff responsible for catching the aquatic part of the business. Freshly caught fish, shrimp, scallops, lobster, crab, and they're also responsible for cleaning up the ocean and ensuring the safety of the wildlife in the sea.

"I assume they're going fishing." Val says.

I stand knee deep in the water, sea foam lapping at our legs as we stood facing the horizon, adjusting the equipment we had strapped to our bodies. I stood in a simple black bathing suit, a net bag tied to my hip and a knife strapped to my thigh.

The other drivers stood with crossbows gripped in their hands, net bags of their own and some wearing goggles.

"Count your breaths! Don't forget your hand signals, and please don't die trying to go after a grouper it better be bigger than my whole arm."

They laugh at that. We wade deeper into the water, measuring every breath we took before diving headfirst in unison.

All around me was blue. Blue, blue, and more blue in every direction. Schools of fish swimming just a few feet below me. The other divers and myself, diving deeper and immediately making short work of the job.

The other drivers we going after the groupers, the cross bows working in close range as spears as they shot clean through eat grouper they caught.

I swim along the reefs, pulling out my knife from the thigh holster, the sound of metal scraping against rock in the water as I plucked abalone from the reefs. Filling my net bag with scallops and even managing to catch a lobster.

After a while I notice I'm the only one left in the water. The surface far above my head. I push myself up from the reef, net bag in hand as I paddle my way to the surface. Breathing the top with a large gulp of air.

My hair whipping back, slapping against the water as I tried to catch my breath.

"Beau!" Someone shouts in a panic from the shore.

"I'm good!" I shout back raising my hand above the water that still gripping the knife. Swimming back towards the shore eventually able to find footing again, I stand. Huffing as I slide the knife back in the thigh holster and untie the back from my waist. The weight of it dragging me down.

Walking towards the water as I smooth the hair out of my face. I look up to see Judas eyeing me, eyes glowing as he watches me trek out of the water back to shore. Meeting me half way, his feet barely ankle deep in the water as he makes it to me and throws a towel over my shoulders.

"You're practically naked." He grows.

"This is the beach, this is a swim suit. And I've been literally naked in front of everyone before." I say trying to keep my face flat but my mouth can't help the smirk to his adorable jealousy.

As if I could even look at anyone else the way I do him.

"Let's not relive that night. And how deviously unfair you were." He says cocking his head to the side making his mark more noticeable.

"Awww poor puppy." I coo pinching his cheek as I walk back to the house.

"I'm not letting that go!" He shouts after me. I smile as I enter the house. Dropping the net bag onto the counter before I went upstairs. Showering the salt of the ocean off me and dressing again before heading back downstairs.

Judas staring at the net bag with a grimace on his face.

"Just what did you...catch?" He asks his finger plucking at the bag.

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