Chapter Seven- You Lose

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Staring in the mirror as I lazily brush my teeth. My mind stuck on last night. My skin heating up at the thought of him kissing me again.

Kissing me everywhere. Looking in the mirror I see my brown eyes shining gold. I glare at my self in disgust and spit the minty foam into the sink. I look like a hazed puppy!

But you are not! You are not a hazed puppy!

I brush my hair through tying it into a single dutch braid down my back. In the mirror on my neck is a deep purple bruise sitting just above the collar bone.


Heading back into my room I change my shirt to better cover the mark. With that I head downstairs and find the queen and king kissing passionately in the middle of my kitchen.

"Good morning?" I say and they jump apart. I can't help the amused look on my face as I cock an eyebrow at them.

"I made waffles!" She says pushing a stack of waffles forward on plate.

"You slept alright?" I ask as I make my way to the fridge pulling out a large pitcher of orange juice.

"It was truly the best sleep I've ever had in a long time." The Queen says.

"Despite the storm outside, it was pleasant." The king chimes in.

"Mhmm." I eye them.

They stand in the kitchen awkwardly as I grab a single waffle of the plate eating as I head over to the fireplace. Dropping a few logs in and relighting it. Just then Judas emerges from his room.

"The train is in working order again and the roads have been cleared. The rain won't let up more than this so this is your one chance to get back before the council meeting is called." He says.

"That's good. We'll return another time for that tour then. I'm a little disheartened I didn't get to see the town." The king says giving me a half smile.

"I'm a little sad too. This beautiful seaside town is so welcoming. I would have loved to see everything." She says.

"You guys make yourself comfortable, the train probably won't be here for another couple of hours. I'm going to go outside and check that everything hasn't blown away." I say and stuff the last piece of the waffle into my mouth, heading towards the back door.

"It's still pouring outside!" Judas calls behind me.

"Damn really? I couldn't tell, you know with the water falling from the sky and what not." I say and let the storm door slam behind me. Taking off in a run towards the farmlands falling on the dirt path straight to the crops. Meeting members of the green staff along the way.

"Beau, you're out and about!" Jason one of the green staff members falls into a job beside me.

"Yup! This is probably the only break we're going to get in this storm so we need to make the most of it!" I tell him as more green team members and the mastiffs fall into a run with me.

"Where the hell were you two?" I ask the canines who bark back in response. I take off, the dogs running beside me as the green staff tried their best to keep up.

"Jason take a partner and check the olive trees! The rest of you are going to help me resecure the tarps!" I shout over the crescendo of rain, already seeing a few tarps flapping in the harsh wind. We run through the rows of vines back to the barn. Each of us grabbing thicker rope and carrying it on our shoulders as we snatched tarps out of the air tying them down again. Running back and forth between the barn and outside, tying down more of the fly away tarps.

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