Chapter Fifty-Three- Rage in Bound

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I'm stalking around in the woods for maybe twenty minutes before I find the spring. The pool seems more vibrant, singing more in tune with the nature surrounding it.

The colors in the leaves and the grass more vibrant. The placid water somehow even more clear, I could see the fish that swam near the bottom. Always hiding from the light of the surface.

The flowers that bloomed at the edge of the water deep in color and rich in smell. It was inviting. Peaceful. Staring at the glasslike surface was soothing. The sudden abundance of mushrooms however confused me. The indigo hue that glowed from within each one fascinated me. I squatted down to the ground as I got low to inspect one.

It didn't glow like this the last time I ate it.

What changed?

I pluck one from the ground, gently twisting it out of the soft ground as the glowing deep blue hue never ceased. Without thinking twice I plop the mushroom into my mouth quickly chewing and swallowing it down

For only a split second to I think I've made a major mistake, but it's too late to take it back now.

But every thought of caution was quickly snuffed by my need to see Thomas.

I just want to talk to Tommy.

He would know what to do, what to say. He always had a cooler head on my shoulders than I did. He was always calmer and more collected than I could be. He had the years to build the patience, I don't. He has to know what to say. He always does.

Minutes go by as I stare at the water. I don't know what possesses me, but I crawl towards the edge of the pond with my hands and knees. Reaching the edge, I peer over into the mirror like surface, and instead of seeing my own reflection, I see Thomas.

I smile as I stare into the water, a whole different sky behind Thomas's head. A soft beautiful pink color reflected on the fluffy clouds over head on his side. All I had was clear blue skies, as beautiful as it was, I wanted to be where Tommy was more.

"Hi Tommy." I say, tears spilling from my eyes as I stare into the water.

Thomas smiles back at me, extending a hand to me and I a reflex I reach back.

I feel our hands touch, my whole body melting into the water as I feel him pull my through. Except there isn't the expected environment of the pond.

I'm pulled through and brought to a beach. Thomas and I standing on white sandy shores of a beach sitting under a pink sky. Flora and fauna overflowing the land beyond the sand. I look to Thomas and see him staring back at me with the same crinkle in the corner of his eyes.

"I miss you." Are the first words I say.

"I know. I know." He says and pulls me into a deep hug. Everything feels real. The warmth of his arms, the earthy scent of him through the soft brown cotton shirt.

It all feels real.

"I miss you so much!" Tears pricking my eyes as I hug him tighter. "Everything is so ridiculously hard and stressful! Judas built a fucking prison without my knowledge, Cassie and MaryAnne are so close to the enemy and I stress about it everyday hoping to what ever existing god they don't get killed,"

"Hey hey hey," Thomas stops me grabbing me by the shoulders. "Slow down, breathe."

And I do as he says. The fresh clean air somehow working in calming me down.

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