Chapter Nineteen- Chosen

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Once the movie was over the festival resumed. Everyone clapping and cheering at the wrenching ending to the film as they ran for more drinks.

Judas sat next to me speechless as the movie credits rolled.

"That was numbing." Judas says voice filled with quiet shock.

"Yes, it's better than a nice happily ever after, isn't it?" I say and stand smoothing the back of the barely there skirt as I stood. Judas's eyes trained on me as I stand above him. Darkening as they looked at me, my skin blushing under his gaze.

"The film is literally called 'I Saw the Devil.' Was there ever a happy ending in sight? Or did you just want to torment everyone?" He asks.

"Yes." I answer nodding as I head off the grab myself a drink. Grabbing a fat glass of wine, Cassie running up to me as I'm pouring myself a second glass after immediately downing the first one. Everyone moving around me painted and dressed in white as the howled and screamed at the full moon. Laughing at the mess of sloppy drunks in front of me.

"This is so much fun! Who knew the lycans could be so laid back?" She says as she pours her own glass of wine.

"As long as no one is face down in the dirt, the night is going pretty well." I shrug as I take a gulp of the wine.

"We have a seat of honor for you!" She grabs me by the arm  almost making me spill the contents of my glass. Pulling me through the crowd as people stopped to bow their heads to me. The action catching me by surprise.

"Seat of honor? Cassie what are you talking about?" I ask, but my question was quickly answered as she shoves me to the front of the crowd were there was a lavishly decorated chair waiting for me. Made of polished red wood, and decorated with paint, beading, and fur.

"Go!" Cassie whispers and I turn only to find the entire congregation looking at me. The silence was deafening. People stopped dancing, the drummers stopped the beating. Judas a few feet away looking just as confused as I was. Cassie gives me a gentle nudge and I hesitantly climb the makeshifts steps to the chair. Turning and finally sitting.

Everyone dropping to their knees the moment I do, falling into a sweeping bow, all their necks displaying themselves to me. One by one they drop to their knees, while I sat petrified.

No no no shit fuck no no shit shit shit fuck!

The crackling of the bond fire was the only thing heard in the silence. Even the Lycan's were confused, until they also began kneeling. I turn to my left and see my family standing at the base of the humble stage. Comfortable on the blanket and throw pillows set up next to me. To my right sat MaryAnne and Cassie.

Cassie looking up to me with a wide smile.

"There was never a worthy enough alpha until you, Beau." She says and I feel the tears pricking my eyes as my gaze snaps back to the wide sea of kneeling figures.

"Alpha!" Cassie suddenly shouts making me jump. I feel someone entwine their fingers with mine and seat Yazmin smiling up at me as she holds my hand. "Alpha!" She shouts with Cassie and soon everyone is chanting the word.

"Alpha! Alpha! Alpha!"

The drums picking up with new life as they stand, their feet and arms beginning to move wildly to the rhythm. The women swinging their hips and whipping their hair about, then men grunting like animals and pounding their hands on their chests and into the dirt. Everyone locked into a haze of manic frenzy and ecstasy, while I sat locked in place. The sinking weight making me choke on the wine scented air.

"Beau they're here to celebrate you!" Yazmin shaking my hand in excitement before running to join the others. Luca following after in a fit of drunken bliss. My parents stayed behind laughing together as they ate and drank, watching the spectacle before them.

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