Chapter Two- Introductions

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I fucking hate traffic.

My father sharing the same sentiment as he growls banging his hand on the steering wheel. We arrive on time however letting valet take the car. Filing in line with the other families as the procession moves into the palace.

The palace itself was grand. Massive, high towers and old stonework that had been expertly maintained for years, centuries. Large windows showing the light gleaming from within, the party alive inviting. People shoving each other to get closer to finally cross the threshold; the large steel doors that only a few times a year were opened for the public.

Engraved with the bodies of wolf clashing against swords and shields, imprinted in the metal showing our history for violence and war. Our tiresome, repetitive, now boring bloodied history. Constant war. How could anyone feel at ease when at some point some power hungry Alpha is going to flip to switch and make a call for battle.

And they wonder why I'm not around.

"I'm so excited! Beau aren't you?" Yazmin grabs my arm shaking me as she jumps up and down in her spot, bouncing in her glittering white dress. Yazmin's youthful excited glow a deep contrast to the stoicism my mother showed. I carefully wriggle myself out of her grip. We finally make go through the doors. Walking down the grand hall with the masses. Passing all the paintings of our royals history.

The first king, a Lycan took power when the world fell to darkness. A war fought an won with the blood of many before he claimed what he called victory.

His son following in his footsteps, fighting the next biggest threat to his power.

And every son that came after doing the exact same thing.

Wash, rinse, and repeat.

"We're the Oakwood family, under Alpha Regean." My father checking us in with a snooty looking butler. Nose raised high as he looked down at his clip board.

"You're seated in section 8, table 2." He says giving him a blue slip of paper which my father folds and neatly puts into his side pocket.

All of us walking behind him as he leads us to our table. Sitting down as all the other families find their seats.

"Apparently the kings son is supposed to make an appearance tonight too." Luca says. "He's also drafting new members for his army."

"Let me guess son, you want to be drafted." Our Father asks as he takes a sip from the water goblet in front of him.

"It would be better than fighting what ever useless battle Regean has." Luca whispers lowly.

"Hush Luca." Mother hisses. "You can't talk about our Alpha this way, and especially in front of this many people."

"But it's true." I chime in grabbing the wine in front of me. Lifting the cup to my nose to inhale as Luca continues.

"It is true. At least in the royal army if I have to fight, at least it would be something worth fighting for. Right Beau?"

"I didn't say all that." I shake my head.

The wine. Subtle notes of blackberry, a hint of vanilla, the wood the wine fermented it smells like cherry. I take a sip, the flavor spreading over my taste buds before smacking my lips in distaste. Setting the wine down.

"Someone lied." I grimace.

"About what?"

"The wine isn't mature enough. I'd give it another year or two before cracking the barrel open. For now it's just good for getting drunk." I push the wine goblet further away. My parents staring at me in silent shock. "But as for you joining the royal army, sure in our societies eyes you'd be serving a greater purpose, you'd be serving the king."

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