Chapter Twenty-Nine - Not a Tie Person

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Weeks have passed and I'm restless. Countless meetings with the ministers have rendered useless. Sitting with them right now as I try to enlighten them on the situation.

Loosening the tie around my neck as I groan in frustration.  Throwing my suit jacket off me as I feel Beau's Mark burning underneath the collar of the white button up shirt. That's how I know she's thinking about me. It's burning with such intensity that I feel a sweat break out over my brow.

"My prince, are you alright?" One of the ministers leaning over the round table noticing my fidgeting.

"I don't like wearing ties for too long." I grumble. "But how ever long it takes for you to finally see the truth about Harald Jefferson-"

"My prince, I'm sorry but we just don't see the threat here. He hasn't made any official declarations of war, and despite what the other lycans said, why should we pay any attention to a civilian zoned area that's too far for anyone to care?"

Is he serious? Did he really just say that shit to my face? The ministers have gotten too comfortable. Their tongues are too loose. I should remind them to tuck them away before I rip them out of their mouths.

Another minister speaks up trying to lessen the blow of his colleague.

"What Peters is trying to ask is, we understand there is a potential threat." Minister Freud speaks up. "We've heard the testimonies of the lycans that have served their time there, at this 'Haven pack'" he says throwing up air quotes.

"There is no pack!" Peters hisses. Eyeing him more as he flaps his useless gums. "There is no official alpha in that area not in our records."

"According the the testimonies of our soldiers, whom have sworn their lives to protect the crown and its people, obviously say otherwise." Freud locks eyes with Peters. I've gathered the dynamic and Peters while he does pull a lot of influence is also responsible for backing a lot of the wars my father threw himself in. He's loud, audacious, brash, condescending and thinks himself better than his colleagues.

Freud however had pull because of his sheer levelheadedness. He knew how to talk to the people, his speeches were something to remember in times when everyone was trying to pull themselves back together. He reminded me of Beau in that sense. The calmness in him. There wasn't a bone in him that could be riled by Peters, he showed that with his level but pinning stare. Locking in Peters with a silent battle of wills that Peters lost. Sitting back in his seat with an angry huff.

"Harald Jefferson is Lycan." I say a silence befalling the room. My father also at the table, silently watching the whole affair letting me lead. I could feel him deflate from his place at the table. Despite the obvious show of trust Beau had in telling her people the truth, I could see that my father didn't...couldn't feel the same way.

But they had to know this. They had to know what was happening.

"He's a rogue Lycan. He's gathered other lycans hiding from the crown. He has a plan up his sleeve and the only thing that we know for sure, is the plan winds up with him on top. And that's basically nothing!"

"My prince-" Peter sits up again but I growl cutting him off. Already annoyed with his constant outbursts, I note that should I be King sooner rather than later, he would be the first to go.

"He launched an attack with a toddler standing between us, full intent to kill this child. He has no morals. We don't know what he's doing or where he is, and I'd really like to change that." I say, I feel Beau's mark working through me I feel her presence in my head.

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