Chapter Thirteen- Beyond Reach

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It's early in the morning, peeling my eyes open as I lay on the navy green wrapped bed. My eyes moving to the window to find rain streaming down the glass as the sun tried to fight its way through the thick storm clouds. But it was useless. Lightning marring the sky revealing the fat over saturated clouds.

The rain wasn't as violent as last night. I hear the front door open and close, quickly realizing Beau was the one that left. I sit bolt upright as I hear her heart beat get smaller and smaller.

Running about her daily duties, I decide to check up on the guards. I help myself to a shower and quickly dress in the clothes found in the drawers. Thomas must have been a big man, all his clothes seem to fit almost perfectly. I shrug on a white t-shirt, and a black wool button up. Opting for grey trousers and boots. I tied my hair back with a spare hair tie I managed to snatch from Beau's bathroom.

I had no idea why I'd taken it. I just wanted something, she spends so much time working, coming home soaked and exhausted. My parents making themselves comfortable in her home, fooling about in their room and robbing bottles of wine from her cellar.

I've scolded them but they're old, and stubborn. Walking out of my room as my mother stumbles out of hers with a goofy grin. Barely clothed in nothing but a silk robe.

I groan, my face twisting in disgust.

"Sorry son." She whispers with a chuckle.

"There are just some thing's I really shouldn't have to see." I moan as I move past her.

"The time we've spent here has been good for us. Your father and I have been discussing moving here. He's never been more...energetic." She sighs.

"I will take those kitchen knives and slice my ears off if you continue." I say with my hand on the door knob.

"You will understand soon enough." She says as she sets on making herself some tea.

"What ever you do, please just...clean it up." I groan and head out into the rain, my mother laughing as I bounce down the stairs and trek the dirt path into town.

Finding the towns people already out and about, helping each other clean the wreckage from the storm. Passing by the grass lands to find a fire pit blazing bright in the rain. Burning the debris that couldn't be salvaged. Fallen branches and broken wooden planks, torn from homes.

My eyes finding the ruined houses.

Roofs caved in, walls torn down, families rummaging through the wreckages trying to salvage what they could. But strangely, there were no tears or wails of sorrow. I slowly walked towards the main road looking down either sides as my feet left imprints in the mud. My ears picking up conversations between neighbors.

"We'll be able to get this back up and maybe improve some of the insulation."

"That would be great! I saw your chicken coop got swept, I can help you build a new one. Maybe even a fence."

"We'll see if the storm will make way for that. For the time being well just have a bunch of chickens running around our living room." They laugh.

Laugh! How are they laughing in this mess?

"I bet the kids will love it though."

"They do. My wife is hating it, keeps threatening to bring an early thanksgiving."

My ears straying as I find my guards helping the towns people. Cleaning up the wreckage and keeping the children out of the way. The captain of the guards came up to me. Hair and clothes drenched in rain water, his hand coming up to wipe his forehead.

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