Chapter Eleven- Thomas and Friends

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Lycans lined up in neat rows. All of them facing their prince with stoic unreadable expressions. Fierce eyes digging into the bark of the trees that surrounded them, not daring to look one of their own in the eye.

Judas slamming the corpse on the forrest ground with a thud. I stand at the forefront, silently watching them. Judas right beside me.

"Does anyone know who this is?" I ask aloud. The rows of the lightly armed lycans shifting to see the corpse. Blue eyes peering around each other to see. "Anyone?" I shrug.

No one speaks.

"Well that's a shame. That means that's this person got by easily without being detected by any of you, and not one of you knew. Or if you knew, you didn't care." I sigh, exasperated. "And it's even more interesting as the last thing he said to me, y'know before I snapped his neck, was that his alpha was waiting down by the beach. Did anyone know about that?"

They all stare, fidgeting, sharing looks eyes shining between each other in quiet communication.

"She asked a question!" Judas shouts suddenly making the entire platoon bare their necks instantly. "Do not tell me that none of you even sensed their presence! This is embarrassing! For all of us!" His voice ringing out hitting them like bricks. All of them visibly flinching from his thunder like voice.

The rain gentle, almost as if nature were letting him speak. Making room for him.

"Needless to say we got an asshole waiting to shit on us, and I'd prefer it if that didn't happen. Can we all agree to get ourselves together?" I ask pushing aside Judas's soaring rage. Looking to the crowd before me as the rain collects in our hair. Dew drops forming on their eyelashes and dripping from their noses and chins.

"Answer her!" Judas barks and they all straighten up looking directly at me. Bowing their heads forwards slightly as one spoke out of the group.

"We will perform better."

"Great." I sigh. "It'll help if you get to know everyone, introduce yourselves at the very least, because a lot of them are getting very tired of the loom and gloom Batman act from most of you. The better you know them the easier it is to distinguish them from the people that are just passing through."

"And what about those passing through?" The same solider asking again.

"There's a wide road that runs around the town, just direct them there. If they pose no real threat and are just trying to get by there's no need to hurt anyone." I shrug, eyes falling to the corpse laying cold at my feet. "Alright, that's different in a lot of ways."

"There will be no questions about it." Judas speaks firmly eyeing them all. "Go. Begin your task and by the end of it you should be able to tell me their favorite ice cream flavors."

They all dash in different directions while I turn on my heel heading towards the sound of crashing waves. Judas realizing my absence catches up to me.

"Where are you going?"

"To see who the hell is at the beach."

He follows behind as I lead him down the quarry that lead to the white sand shores of our beach. But everything seemed grey underneath the rain. In the distance I see a tall figure, clean navy green trench coat caught in the salt scented wind. A black umbrella in hand as he stood confidently, water lapping just a few inches away from his expensive Italian loafers.

My bare feet sweeping the wet sand as I make my way towards him. He turns his head in our direction as if sensing us. I see his face. He smiles as we approach, tiny circle blue lenses sitting on the bridge of his nose. Even in the shade of the umbrella I can see the familiar blue in his eyes. A perfectly trimmed goatee painted onto his face.

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