Chapter Thirty-Nine - Unspoken

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We made it back home and already I was swarmed with my people. The royals and the ministers behind me witnessing my whole pack pressing up against each other to get to me.

I reach behind me warily as I almost fear the stampede coming my way.

"Judas?" I call for him but don't take my eyes off the crowd running towards us.

"I don't...I don't know!" He shouts back and before anyone could react they swarm me. Picking me up off the ground and carrying me into town.

"Oh my god!" I shout trying hard to control the anxiety spiking through me. My pack mates yelling and cheering as they carried me, the crowd getting bigger until we got to the center of town and they hoisted me on to the stone ledge of the fountain.

"You're back!"

"Alpha is back!"

"We missed you!"



"Alpha! Alpha! Alpha! Alpha!"

The chanting began and I stood still shocked and completely unprepared as they cheered around me. Even a few of the lycans that stayed behind also chanting and cheering.

"Ok!" I try to break the chant. "Alright! Alright!"

The noise dies down and soon there is silence.

"Damn, I was only gone for two days." I say the crowd around me bursting into laughter.

"Two days too long!" Someone shouts from the back and people break out in shouts of agreement.

"Ok! Alright fine!" I quiet them down. "The ministers have joined us!" I gesture with my hand to where the ministers stood. Everyone's head turning to see them all standing lined up in a neat little row. The royals standing huddled next to them. Beyond the crowd before me, the elves and the fairies joined in. Not too far away I saw Vadim and Mila, who eyes were locked on Naomi and Maxim who stared back with nothing but sadness.

Mila looked away first, her face twisting as tears fell down her face. Turning into the crowd and leaving, Naomi acting quickly breaking away from her son and her mate and giving chase.

Pushing her way through the crowd to get to Mila.



I tracked her scent down into the woods. The smell of a fairy's magic was sweet and alluring, completely unmistakable. I came to a clearing to see her sobbing on her knees. Her yellow wings holding no shimmer as they draped against her back.

"Mila." I said her name calmly, cautiously. As if I might scare her away.

"I don't want to talk." She says. Standing quickly at the sound of my voice.

"We should. It's been two centuries, I can't keep going like this, we were friends!"

"And then you turned me away, when I loved you! When all I did was love you!" Mila turning fast her eyes filled with angry tears, her stand rigid and her wings dropping to the floor. Her yellow hair hanging in front of her face framing her angered expression.

"I have a mate Mila, that night couldn't have been anything more than a mistake, you know this!" I shout.

"It wasn't a mistake because it meant something to me!" She almost growls at me, her pale smooth skin turning pink in rage.

"I have a mate Mila." I say calmly, shaking my head as I look at her with sympathetic eyes. "And I love him. I love him so much it fucking kills me to think of ever betraying him like that again."

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