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Did the qualifying, ended in P4, which was surprisingly good.

George qualified P3 and Lewis P5, so Taurs did a good job as well. Don't know how she did it, but she turned the team around.

But none of that mattered right now, I was taking Taura out tonight.

So, I got changed as quickly as I could, put on different clothes, took a shower, fixed my hair.

Had to look good again, because I didn't know if she already fell for Max or not.

She opened the door, was dressed casual, but still so cute.

"You look beautiful" I said, looking at her. Her eyes went full Bambi again, and I wanted to kiss her again.

Wanted to feel her lips against mine again. Never wanted to taste other lips than hers.

"You look handsome as well" she gave me a quick nod. "Who are you trying to impress?"

"You, always you" I smiled. I wasn't lying.

"Aw, but I hate racing drivers, you know" she nudged me, closing the door behind her. "So where are you taking me tonight?"

Already noticed that she wasn't a girl who was impressed with fancy things.
Liked normal things.

Preferred stuffing her face with pizza over fancy dinners.
Liked sunsets, watching Netflix, looking at the rain falling down the sky. Normal things.

So I wasn't gonna impress her with a fancy dinner.

I took her to an arcade instead.

"This is awesome" she said with the biggest smile on her face as we walked in the arcade. "I love this so much"

I knew you would.

We played some games, let her beat me a few times, won some stuffed animals for her.

And I wish, that this evening never had to end.

Took a little walk back, because I remembered she liked walks. Talked about everything, but especially the race.

We were both trying to talk around the thing we wanted to ask each other, or what I wanted to ask her.

What the fuck did you do with Max and why did you go on a date with him?

Dropped her off at her hotel again, walked up to her room and I was once again standing in front of her door.

She was nervous, I could see that but so was I. Didn't even notice I was clenching my teeth.

"So, what are we now?" She asked. "Friends?"

"Friends won't work" I said.

She frowned. "Why not? Why can't we be friends?"

I sighed. Why can't she see how much I like her? Does she really not see it or was she pretending?

"Because... what I want to do with you, you don't do with your friends"

"Oh" she said in surprise. "Give me an example"

I would gladly give her an example.

"For once, kiss your beautiful lips, those lips I can't stop thinking about" I said as I brushed my thumb against her lower lip.

"And then I would kiss you lower. Down here" I said as I moved my hand to her cheek. "And here" brushed my hand over her neck. "Some kissed down here" lower to her collarbone.

She swallowed, blinked a few times. "I am not gonna ask you if you wanna come in tonight" she said.

Felt quite disappointed about that.

"I am just gonna pull you in my room" she chuckled as she did exactly that, closed the door behind us.

"But I don't think I totally understood what you were trying to say" she smirked, putting her back against the door. "Maybe you can show me?"

"Oh, I would love to show you" I said, taking a step closer to her.

Started kissing her collarbone softly, made my way up to her neck, stayed there until she put her hand through my hair.

Kissed her cheek, only a few little pecks until I kissed her lips.

She wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me closer against her body.

Our first kiss was maybe soft and cute, this one was definitely more passionately, more intense.

And I loved both kisses equally as much.

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