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Hello to everyone,

I hope you're all doing well. It's been a while since we've had a Q&A session, so I thought, why not have one today? Please take a moment to answer the questions, and who knows, maybe your responses will inspire me to write the next chapter even faster. Looking forward to hearing from you all!

I'm feeling disheartened lately. It seems like the engagement in the comments is decreasing, with many people solely asking for updates.

1. What was your favorite aspect of the main character's development throughout the story?

2. Which scene left the strongest emotional impact on you, and why?

3. Did any secondary character surprise you with their actions or motivations? If so, how?

4. How did the setting contribute to the overall atmosphere and tone of the book?

5. Were there any themes or messages in the book that resonated with you personally?

6. Did the plot twists keep you engaged, or did you find them predictable?

7. Were there any unresolved questions or plot threads that left you wanting more?

8. How did the author's writing style enhance your reading experience?

9. Did you feel a connection to any specific quotes or passages in the book? If so, which ones and why?

10. Would you recommend this book to others? Why or why not?

Please take a moment to address all the questions. Your engagement means a lot to me, and I don't want anyone to feel left out or disappointed. Rest assured, I read every comment, even if I don't always respond publicly. If you have something to share with me, please feel free to reach out on Instagram. I'm always available to chat there and appreciate each and every message I receive. Thank you for your understanding and support.

And for the update, you guys know what to do. Till then stay safe and take care.

please follow me on Instagram: author_simranchaudhary

Take care.

Simran Chaudhary.

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