Chapter 9- My Rani Sa is the strongest

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Shreya's POV

'Why?' he asked.

What should I say? How I was assaulted, almost raped, and when I told my family about it, how they said that I was playing a victim and tried to destroy a life of an innocent boy. How I was trying to drag the reputation of a family's name through the mud just because I didn't get his attention,

How they all pointed their fingers at my character. How I was called all those horrible names.

"Can we not talk about it?" I asked.

"NO," he growled.

"I just saw my wife struggling for a breath. You don't even know how I felt when I saw you laying on the floor, numb, not able to move any limbs. Trying to breathe but couldn't, as if, as if someone had choked her, cut off the air from her body. Her whole body was shivering, her eyes begging for help, her mouth trying to shout for help but couldn't shout."

He stood up from the bed. 

"I just promised her this morning that I will never let her shed a tear but I just left her alone for a few hours and she lay on the floor with her face red, tears flowing from her eyes. I came here early just to surprise My Wife, but rather than seeing her happy, I saw my nightmare. What I saw today has shaken me to my core "

He walked towards me and stood in front of me, looking into my eyes.

"Thousands of torture and death won't have hurt me as much as it hurt me to see you on that floor. I felt as if my heart would burst with the pain I felt in it. I felt my soul leave my body and I was standing in hell and seeing my wife suffer. Even hell won't be as painful as what I felt a few moments ago. I wanted to shut down my whole fucking existence when I saw you in that state. I felt someone burning me alive. I felt a fire in me and I swear on the god I'm devoted to, I swear on the love I have for you, I swear on everything that is fucking holy in this whole universe, I will make that person suffer. That person will feel how I felt. I will forget everything when I put my hands on that bastard. The only thing I will remember is My Wife's pain, her fear, her tears, and her suffering."

"I knew you were hiding something from me and I wanted to give you your time so that you will reveal your secrets on your own but if this is what you are going through while I'm away from you and this is what I'm going to witness when I come back to our room then, No. You will not hide anything from me."

"So, No Rani Sa. We need to have a talk, RIGHT NOW," he said with anger in his voice. I wanted to hide myself in his arms and cry all over again. I wanted to let go of this pain but what if he leaves me when I tell everything to him?

"Please, I don't want to talk about it. My head is already aching due to all the crying from this morning and I know I will cry again if I talk about it." I said. I didn't want to talk about it. At least not right now.

I avoided his eyes. I tried to walk away when he caught my wrist. He pulled me with him and made me sit on the floor with our bed supporting my back.

He walked inside the closet and came back with an oil bottle in his hands. He just sat behind me on the bed and poured the oil on my head. His fingers slowly dipped into my head and started to massage my scalp. I closed my eyes in bliss and let him do the wonders on my head. He gently massaged my scalp while I stayed quiet and enjoyed his care and love.

"Wanna talk about it?" he asked and I shook my head no without turning my head. He sighed and stood up.

He is upset.

I too stood up from the floor and was about to call him when he said, "Sit on the bed, Rani Sa. I will be right back after washing my hands." I obliged him and sat on the bed.

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