Chapter 20- Nightmare

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Ranvijay's POV

"Raja Sa, have you lost your mind?"

"Just answer my damn questions." I don't think I have the patience to deal with this rascal right now.

"You do remember that I'm adopted, don't you?" After hearing him, I did remember that he is not the real son of Viraj's Uncle and Naina Aunty. They found Ekansh when they went on the trip. With a wound on his head, his memory was gone.

Ekansh's meaning is 'to complete'. The Sharma couple weren't able to have children and when they found Ekansh, he completed their family.

Though Ekansh is not their real son, they have treated him like their own blood. With the amount of love they have for Ekansh, no one can match it. Not even birth parents.

"I think she is lying. She saw how much you love Your Rani Sa so she is jealous. There is no way Shreya could do that. Not even in her dreams. Have you seen her, so thin, she can't even hurt a fly, forget about killing a person." he looked at me for a few minutes and his eyes widened.

"Do you think I'm her brother?"

"How can I be her brother when I myself don't know who my real parents are? Yes, I do treat her like my sister but there is no way I will be her brother, well I might be if the mighty god does some miracle." he laughed.

"But there's one thing I can't digest, I'm not the real son of my parents, they have always loved me and treated me just like their son but Shreya, the people inside this den are her family. How can any parents treat their child like that? Thank god they aren't my parents or the ones who found me on my deathbed. I would rather die than be born to them or to raise me."

"How did you start seeing my wife as your sister?" I asked.

"Well I don't know, but whenever I see her I get a brotherly feeling towards her. I just want to kill and destroy the person because of whom her face saddens or gets tears in those beautiful eyes. I just want to see her happy. Her face should radiate with the happiness she will get in her life from now onwards." he said and looked lost in his thoughts.

"I'm sure they aren't her real parents. Do a DNA test."

"We have already done it. They are the real parents of Rani Sa." Rajat who kept quiet till now replied to Ekansh.

Ekansh shook his head and said, "No, no. Do it again."

He came towards me and plucked a few of his hair and put it into my palm.

"Clear your doubt Raja Sa. Well I know I don't belong to such a shitty family but if I did then I would be glad to have Shreya as my sister and god save them from my wrath for even touching my sister."

"Well I don't even have to be her real brother to punish such jerks." he walked away from there. I looked at his back while still lost in my thoughts.

I gave Rajat the hair of Ekansh and walked out of the den.

I looked at the woman in my arms and thought, "What should I do? My mind says something but the reality is something else."

I caressed her cheeks and murmured "Who is Ekansh? Why do I feel like he is related to you?"

His outburst today made me more confused.


Shreya's POV

My peaceful sleep was disturbed by the murmuring and shaking of a body.

I opened my eyes to see Rana Sa trembling in his sleep while murmuring something inaudible to me.

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