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You looked at the court, almost in disbelief. 'Team without a libero, nor their usual ace, was able to beat Seijoh? How is that even possible? Well, I guess in their defense, Oikawa had a doctor's appointment at the same time as the match and missed most of it. But still. They beat a powerhouse! Suga-san was right: this team really is something special.'

You walk down from the second floor, where you watched the entire match. You first walk over to Karasuno. "Congrats on winning, guys. That was an amazing match."

This only hyped Hinata up more. "I was great, wasn't I? Did you see all my awesome spikes, Y/n? Did you? Did you?"

You nod, letting out a low chuckle. "Yeah, that was really something, Hinata. You should show me how you do that sometime."

"Alright! I get to spend more time with Y/n!" He bounces off, trying to gloat to Kageyama and Tanaka.

Suga pulled you in for a quick hug. "Thanks for coming. The guys were really pumped, knowing they had you cheering for them during this whole thing. I think the team already likes you."

You chuckle. "I'm glad. I like them all too. They're all so interesting. You guys work well together, despite not knowing everyone very long."

"Yeah, well, we have some really talented guys on the team this year. This might be the best year our team has for matches."

Kunimi watches you interact with Suga and the rest of Karasuno from afar, longing to have you walk over so he can hug you. he was hoping to win this match, so that he could say some special words to you, and finally give you a kiss to your lips. Now, the poor boy's confidence is shot.

Kindaichi grumbled beside his friend. "I can't believe L/n is really spending time with that team. She seems to enjoy being around Kageyama and his new teammates."

Kunimi briefly glances at him from the corner of his eye. "They know her sister, and the one that'll most likely become her brother in law one day is a player on the team. I knew something like this was probably gonna happen one day. I don't think she's quite friends with Kageyama yet, so there's something."

Oikawa huffed. "Our manager is a traitor! I can't believe she'd get all buddy buddy with an opposing team."

Kunimi glared at his teammates. "Because of all of you, she's not our manager anymore. And I already told you: her sister's boyfriend is on that team. She was bound to meet them all at some point. If you don't mind, I'd like to go and be on good terms with my girlfriend." He walks off in your direction hoping to be able to pull you aside.

Suga glances over, seeing someone approach you guys. "I'll leave you to your boyfriend now. Have a nice rest of your night. Walk home with Kunimi and get home safely." He walks off, leaving you confused.

Kunimi smiled once he stood in front of you, noticing that Suga left for him. "Hey, Y/n."

You smile up at him, suddenly feeling a bit tired. "Wanna come over to my place tonight?"

"You inviting me to spend the night?"

You shrug, a grin on your face. "I know there's school tomorrow, but I would really like to have you so I can sleep tonight. I'm tired, but know I won't be able to sleep unless I'm in your arms."

Kunimi chuckles, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and walking out of the gym with you. "Let me get changed real quick, then I'll be all yours tonight."


"Thanks for coming back with me, Akira. Looks like Neko isn't back yet. I can make us dinner if you'd like to get showered."

Kunimi nodded, heading off to shower. He was glad he had extra clothes in his bag, at least now he'd have something to sleep in that wasn't his practice gear.

You walked into the kitchen, starting the rice cooker so you'd have rice to have with dinner. You thought about what you were going to make, eventually decided on making teriyaki chicken. You grab the vegetables and chicken from the freezer, grabbing out the teriyaki sauce from the fridge. You get to work, concentrating on making dinner for you and Kunimi.

Neko walks into the house, immediately smelling the food. She pokes her head into the kitchen. "Teriyaki chicken?"

You nod. "Yeah. Akira is showering, he's staying the night."

"I see. Maybe I should spend the night with Koushi."

You groan. "Not like that. Seriously, stop reading manga and fanfictions. Your getting bad ideas from them."

"Shut up! My fanfics are the most important thing in the world to me. I even wrote a few and people seem to like them! You're just being mean cuz you don't read enough."

You roll your eyes, not bothering to look at her. "I've been able to read some of the ones you recommended. Now, go get changed or something. Don't be a distraction while I'm trying to make dinner."

"Fine. But, there's this really good Gojo fic you should read! Oh, and there's a Levi one, too!" She disappears, finally finishing her mini rant about the fanfictions she's read on wattpad.

Kunimi comes into the kitchen, seeing you still very busy making food. Quietly, he sneaks up behind you and snakes his arms around your waist. He places his head on top of yours, breathing in the scent of your hair. "You smell as good as always."

You chuckle, leaning into his touch. "Thanks. I hope dinner also smells good."

"It does, but I like your scent better."

You feel your face heat up, your skin being tinted with a red color. "You smooth motherfucker."

Kunimi chuckles, lightly squeezing you in his arms. "I try. But, seriously, there was something I wanted to tell you since the practice match."

You freeze, tensing slightly. "You couldn't have told me on our way home?"

He shakes his head. "It wasn't the right mood. This feels right. I just want to tell you..." He leaned close to you, whispering in your ear. "I love you."

A wide smile spread across your face. "I love you too, Akira."


You and Kunimi laid in your bed, having just finished dinner. Now, you two were ready for bed.

Your boyfriend pulls you close to him. "I love you."

You giggle at his actions. "I love you two."

Kunimi moves your face so that you're looking him in the eyes. "I mean it. I really love you, Y/n."

"I love you two."

He leans in, planting a gentle kiss to your lips. "Goodnight, I love you."

You lean into him, your face heating up. "Goodnight, I love you too."

End <3

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