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You get home later than usual, practice having run a bit later than expected. You hadn't even been given enough time to think about how you were going to break the happy news of your new relationship to your sister. You just hoped that she didn't hear other news, the very news that would most likely put her in such a bad mood that you won't be able to let her know that Kunimi had confessed to you. You step into the house, quietly taking off your shoes and setting them neatly to the side. You walk away from the door, being as quiet as possible so you could get your bag set in your room. You were hoping to be able to change before talking to your sister. Things didn't exactly work out according to your hopeful wishing.

Neko came out of the kitchen. "You're home later than usual. I'm almost done making dinner."

You slowly look over to her, trying not to give your worries away. "Oh, yeah. Practice carried on later than usual. Sorry, I should've let you know."

She frowns, leaning against the doorway that led to the kitchen. "No, what you should've let me know was that your team made a condition in order to let Karasuno have a practice match against them. Do you have any idea how much that hurt Koushi?! He's a third year and wants to play volleyball more than the other members of the team since a genius setter like Kageyama joined the team! But noOoOo! Aoba Johsai decided they wanted a practice match against Kageyama, not Karasuno themselves. Why didn't you talk any sense into them?! That condition is horrible, but the team went with it since they were desperate to get a practice match with literally anyone!"

You sigh, having known this would happen. "I did tell them it was a stupid condition. And I even tried saying they were being petty, while completely ignoring the fact that there was a more experienced setter on the team. Coach even berated me, telling me to keep my mouth shut and that my personal reasons were invalid."

"Bullshit! You should quit being their manager! That team isn't worth shit! I hope they lose so horribly that they'll never be able to recover from it!" The murderous look on your sister's face nearly terrified you in that moment.

You let out a breath you hadn't realized you were holding. "I can't just do that. It'll hurt Akira."

"I don't care! Wait - did you call Akira-kun by his first name?" Neko raised a brow at you, curiosity sparkling in her eyes.

You nod, feeling shy while a blush spreads on your face. "I was hoping you'd be in a good mood when I told you the news." You take a deep breath, not looking at your sister. "Akira confessed to me today at lunch and asked me to be his girlfriend. I said yes, and now he and I are together."

A smile flashes on her face. "That's great." Then it turns into a frown. "But I still think you shouldn't expose yourself to the rude people on that team. I don't care if they have some sort of connection to Kageyama-kun, Koushi is the starting setter of the team. They don't deserve to have my baby sis be their manager if they're gonna be petty over something like knowing a player on another team. This is unforgivable. I'm even more upset that the team agreed to that petty condition. I don't care how desperate they are for a practice match, they shouldn't meet the demands of anyone else! It was so hard on Koushi that he couldn't even come here for dinner tonight! He couldn't even smile or give me a goodbye hug or kiss!"

You lean up against a nearby wall. "I get that, and I really feel bad for Suga-san. But there's nothing that we can do about it."

"Let me be petty and take my sister away from Aoba Johsai's volleyball team. Maybe they'll learn a lesson that way!"

Your eyes widened. "Wait-"

"No! I've made up my mind. You're no longer allowed to be a part of any club! Come straight home after school, no going to their morning practices either. I hate ruining the time you and Akira-kun had together, and I know how much you enjoyed it, but that team needs to learn a lesson. I don't even see why you'd still want to help them out when your opinion was dismissed just because they're being petty."

You sigh. "I didn't even want to join a club in the first place. And I am pretty mad about this situation, just like you. I'll let Akira know that I won't be continuing my manager duties anymore. I feel bad, but maybe this is deserved. It's kinda like justice for Suga-san."

Neko gives you a sad smile. "I'm sorry. I just think that those guys, aside from Akira-kun, are bad influences for you. I know I'm being petty and making you do something for a petty reason, but this feels deserved after everything they've done today. Tell Akira-kun I'm sorry about this."

You nod, already texting the boy. When you finished, you headed up to your room to set your bag down. You get changed, then head back to the kitchen for dinner.

You and your sister ate in complete silence that night.

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