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You sat in class, your mind wandering. Today felt different to you. For some unknown reason, you couldn't concentrate on what your teachers were saying. It felt as though they were just background noise to you. You glance out of the corner of your eye, seeing Kunimi paying attention with a bored look on his face.

'Kuni looks bored, but at least he's focused. Maybe I'll need to drink another energy drink during the next break we get. Maybe I'm just tired. But why am I so tired? I'm usually fine around this time. What's so different about today? Maybe I shouldn't have stayed up playing video games all last night. I wonder... Hmm, I can't really sleep on a regular basis. I should try getting Kuni to stay the night at my place. I think I'd get a decent night's sleep if I have him in bed with me. Maybe at break I'll ask him if he could try spending the night at my place.'

Kunimi felt a pair of eyes on him. He uses his peripheral vision to glance around the classroom. His eye eventually lands on you, seeing how you were staring at him. It wasn't like you to get distracted during class, so he wondered what was going on in your head. He felt his cheeks heat up with the more you stared at him. He wasn't uncomfortable, but he felt different whenever you looked at him. 'Why is L/n staring at me? Was I doing something that got her attention? Or did she just zone out while looking at me? Maybe I should snap her out of it, and get her to pay attention to the teacher.'

He leans closer to you, keeping his voice low so the teacher wouldn't hear. "Are you ok, L/n?"

You snapped out of your thoughts, seeing the boy you were thinking about leaning close to you. "Yeah. I was just thinking about things. Let's focus on the teacher again, before she gets mad that we aren't paying attention."

The boy nods, and you both redirect your focus to the teacher. For a while, you were able to actually listen to what the woman was saying. But, after a while, your focus went back to some random thoughts you had. You lost all concentration on class, and began to think about various different things.

When lunch rolled around, you laid your head on your desk. You looked over at Kunimi. "Hey, Kuni."

The boy turns to look at you, taking his bento out of his school bag. "Yeah, L/n?"

"I was thinking, about two things actually."

Kunimi tips his head to one side. "What were you thinking about?"

"First, why don't you call me Y/n instead of L/n?"

The boys eyes widened at your suggestion. "O-ok, Y-Y/n. What was this other thing you were talking about?"

You let out a sigh, not raising your head away from the desktop. "Can you spend a night at my house?"

Kunimi felt as if his heart was about to explode right out of his chest. "What? You want me to stay a night at your place?"

You nod, finally lifting your head off of your desk. "Do you think you could try spending a night at my house? I haven't been sleeping well, and I remembered that I slept well when we cuddled on my bed. So, can you please spend the night?"

Kunimi sighed, trying to take deep breath to calm his heart down. "I see. You just want to get good sleep. Can't you just cuddle with a stuffed animal or body pillow?"

You whined, moving over to lean your head on the boy's shoulder. "It's not the same! I sleep better when someone is curled up with me!"

Kunimi shook his head, a warm smile on his face. "I'll talk to my parents and see if they'll let me spend the night."


"Y/n-chan!" A voice sounds.

You groan, holding onto Kunimi's arm. "Whyyyyy? He just ruined our time together."

Kunimi chuckled lightly. "I know, I know. It'll be fine." He gently strokes your hair, causing you to lean into his touch.

Oikawa walked over, the rest of the volleyball team at the door to your classroom. "Y/n-chan! Kunimi-chan! Let's all have lunch together!" He gave a big smile to you and the boy you were leaning on.

"No." You quickly say, rubbing your face against Kunimi's arm.

Oikawa frowned, beginning to pout. "Mean, Y/n-chan! Why don't you want to eat lunch together?"

You squeeze the arm you were holding. "Kuni and I were talking and spending lunch together. You interrupted like a jerk. Go away."

Oikawa pouted, sitting on your desk. "You two can join us, and still talk. Just come eat with lunch. I'll give you something in return." He winked at you.

You roll your eyes, keeping Kunimi's arm in your grasp. "Like what?"

"Well, what do you want?"

You eyes dart up to Kunimi's face. "Time alone with Kuni would be ideal." You look back at the third year in the room.

Kunimi's eyes went wide, his face turning pink. He couldn't even form words. He didn't expect you to say what you had. The boy felt more and more heat build in his face, the skin darkening to red.

Oikawa grinned at the boy's face. "I see. Well, I was hoping you'd want some time with me. But, I think I could give you and Kunimi some time together instead. Enjoy your lunch, you two." He walks out of the room, smirking at his teammates. "The lovers will not be eating lunch with us, they're a bit busy with each other. Let's go."

Without another word, the volleyball team walks away from class 1-6. They go to have lunch without you and Kunimi.

In the classroom, Kunimi was still red in the face. "Y/n?"

You look up, eyes widening at his red face. "Kuni, are you ok? Your face is red."

"I'm fine. Just, you surprised me when you said you wanted to spend time alone with me."

You raise a brow. "Why wouldn't I? You're my best friend."

"I see." Kunimi felt an arrow shoot through his chest as you two shared the lunch break with each other.

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