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Tears formed in your eyes as you shouted at Kunimi. The water built up in your eyes was threatening to spill. But you didn't want to cry in front of him. You couldn't. If you did, you'd know he'd feel pity for you.

That's not what Kunimi is like, though. He felt genuinely bad to make you this upset. "I wish Neko never said anything about me going over to your house to ask for advice on confessing. This is all a misunderstanding, and the worst part is that you're feeling hurt right now because of me."

You don't look at the boy, keeping your eyes trained on the ground while you hold your tears back. You felt bitter once his words reached your ears. "So you didn't want me to know that you were planning on confessing to the one you like?"

Kunimi sighed. "I didn't want you to know I like someone. I didn't want you to know that I planned on confessing. Now you feel like shit, and I feel terrible for being the one responsible for you feeling like this. I didn't want you to know. I was planning on surprising you right now, but I can't do that since you're in such a bad mood."

You wear a fake smile on your face as the tears finally cascaded down your face. "So you wanted to surprise me when you finally got into a relationship. I think that would've been the worst pain to ever feel. I guess now I know what heartbreak feels like. I'm glad I found out before you confessed, now I won't have that unbearable pain of liking you while you're in a relationship. I can feel the pain instead of focusing on the only person I've ever liked being in love with someone else."

Kunimi clenched his hands into fists, finally having enough of what you were saying. "You are the person I like, Y/n! I was going to confess to you during lunch, but felt I had no chance since you were in a bad mood! The misunderstanding is that I fell in love with you, but you think someone else had been able to capture my heart. It's you! It's always been you. From the moment you were first asleep in my arms, my heart was beating for you, and you alone!"

Your eyes widened, you slowly look up from the ground to make eye contact with the boy in front of you. "Me? You like me?"

Kunimi nods, desperately looking into your eyes. "Yes, Y/n. You're the only person I have such strong feelings for. I only went to Neko since she was your sister and probably knows you better than anyone else. I needed help for how to approach you with this. I didn't know if you liked me back, and I was starting to doubt it with how you acted all day." A soft chuckle escapes his lips as he starts to smile at you, tears in his own eyes. "Now I understand you. You were upset because you thought there was a chance that someone other than you could gain my attention, to make me fall for them. Well, you're wrong. You're the only person to make me feel so many different emotions. I want you to be my girlfriend. No one else can even begin to compare to you. Every moment with you is perfect. You're the only one I can see myself spending the rest of my life with."

Your heart skips a few beats. You can't feel yourself breathing. "Really? Do you really mean it, Kuni?"

"Yes. Please be my girlfriend, Y/n." He looks at the ground, his heart beating a million kilometers an hour.

You smile softly at him, slowly walking closer to her. "Of course I'll be your girlfriend, Kuni." You wrap your arms around him and pull him closer to you.

Kunimi smiles, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you even closer to him. "Good. I'm so glad you accepted. But you ruined my confession, you confessed to me before I could even tell you my feelings. How am I gonna tell your sister that?"

You chuckle quietly. "Sorry. In my defense, I was too worried that you liked someone else and that I was going to lose you. I'll tell Neko that I received a heartfelt confession from you and that you sweetly asked me to be your girlfriend."

"Would you really lie to her to save me from embarrassment?"

You nod. "Of course. I feel bad for getting the wrong idea and ruining your confession... Akira."

Kunimi's face turned red and he became stiff. "Why?"

You look at his face, trying to suppress your laughter. "Did you not like me calling you by first name?"

"No, no. I liked it. You just caught me off guard. I wasn't expecting you to call me that so soon. I thought it would be at least a year before you started calling me by my first name."

You let out your laughs, slowly letting go of the boy so you could hold your stomach. "It wasn't gonna be that long! Give me some credit! I started calling you Kuni after being friends with you for about two months!"

"That's different! It's still my last name!" Kunimi huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. "Geez! I ask you to be my girlfriend and the first thing you do once we're a couple is laugh at me!"

You try to stifle your laughs, feeling bad for laughing at the poor boy. "Sorry, sorry! I just didn't expect your reaction!"

Kunimi slowly started smiling fondly at you. "I guess it's fine. You're always so beautiful when you're happy and laughing."

"You're being cheesy."

"I'm being honest." He wraps his arm around you once again. "I really do think of you as someone special, Y/n. I really can't see myself with anyone that isn't you."

You smile brightly at him. "I feel the same way, Akira."

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