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Kunimi yawns as he finally gets back home. It was almost midnight by the time he got to lay in his bed. 'Man, I'm glad Neko was able to help me, but I didn't think she'd take all night. I guess I really did need help to tell Y/n how I feel. And now, it seems as if I'm also suppose to ask her to be my girlfriend. Am I really ready for a relationship with Y/n? I don't want to ruin what we have if she doesn't feel the same. On the other hand, Neko and Oikawa seemed to believe that Y/n does like me. Do I have a chance? Or am I being given false hope?' His thoughts continue to spiral as he slowly falls asleep.

Meanwhile, back at your house...

You yawn and stretch, finally shutting off your computer. You had been playing games for several hours, so you felt you needed to call it a night. You went to the kitchen, only to find your sister doing some dishes. "Nee-san? What are you doing down here so late?"

Your sister whips around to face you, eyes going wide for a brief moment. "You know, I could ask you the same thing."

You shrug, going to the tea cabinet. "I wanted to make some of that herbal tea that's supposed to help with sleep. Let me ask again, what are you doing here so late. It's after midnight now. Are you also having a hard time sleeping?"

Neko narrows her eyes at you. "I know you were playing video games this whole time. But, to answer your question, Akira-kun came over. So now, I'm washing the mugs we used to have some tea. Go ahead and use the kettle, I won't get in your way."

Your eyes widen as you start moving to heat the water for your tea. "Kuni was over? Why didn't you tell me? I could've stopped playing games in order to spend some time with him."

Your sister shakes her head. "He actually didn't come for you. He wanted to talk to me about some things. I thought the same thing as you when he showed up. It really surprised me when he asked to speak with me instead of wanting to spend some time with you."

You grab a mug, putting the tea bag inside of it. "What did you two talk about?"

Neko flinched, freezing. She couldn't say the full truth, but she also didn't want to lie to you. "He wanted to know about confessing to someone he likes. He told me he's been having problems being honest with himself about the feelings he has, and just wanted help on how to let the person he likes know how he feels."

"Who does he like?" The words come out of your mouth before you can stop yourself.

Your sister doesn't look at you, slowly finishing with cleaning the mugs that were used. "I can't tell you that. You'll find out for yourself. I'm going to bed now." She quickly leaves, running to her room and locking the door so that you wouldn't be able to get in.

You stood in the kitchen, frozen. 'Kuni likes someone? And he's planning to confess to them? Who? Who managed to win his heart? It hurts... I really like Kuni. I was hoping he'd like me, just like how I like him. It's not fair! Who could he possibly like if it isn't me! And what did Neko mean by "you'll find out for yourself"?! Is it someone I know? Someone in our class? Don't tell me it's a popular girl. I can't even begin to compare to the popular girls. They're really pretty, the don't run on little to no sleep. It actually would make sense for anyone to fall for one of them. I'm nothing in comparison. Of course he wouldn't like me. We're just friends. I must be too much of a burden on him. I guess I shouldn't cling to him. If he gets a girlfriend, he's going to need his space. I'll just create problems for his relationship.'

You sink down to the floor, your back against the fridge. You felt heartbroken at the fact that Kunimi liked someone, and that you didn't know who it was. You only got up from your spot on the floor when the kettle started whistling, signaling that the water was boiling. You slowly stood up, taking the kettle off the stove. You poured the boiling water into the mug with the tea bag. You set the kettle back onto the stove, not on the hot surface. You wait the recommended amount of time before taking the tea bag out of the mug, adding in your desired amount of sugar.

You slowly walk up to your room, mug in hand. You set it down on the nightstand before plopping down on your bed. You suddenly felt drain, as if every bit of strength you had was sucked out of you.

You mumble to yourself. "I love you, Kuni."

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