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You let out a sigh.

Oikawa raised a brow, moving closer to you. "You've been sighing a lot today, Y/n-chan. Is something on your mind? You know, you can always talk about it with me. I may not seem like the best senpai, but I am still your senpai. I'm here for you. I hope you can trust me enough to talk about your problems with me. I promise I won't tell anyone else. I'll take all your secrets to my grave." At this point, he was practically begging you to talk to him. He was desperate to have you treat him similarly to how you treat everyone else.

You let out a breath, deciding it couldn't hurt to tell someone other than Suga and your sister. Maybe Oikawa won't make fun of you, or try to tease you about it. "Well, I think I have feelings for someone I'm close to. And, recently, he made a comment that made it seem like he wouldn't mind getting into a relationship with me, but then he brushed it off as a joke. I'm so confused. I wanna know how he feels, but he doesn't seem to want to tell me the truth without making it seem like he's only messing around. You're a guy, maybe you know what's going on."

Oikawa though about it, guessing that you were probably talking about Kunimi. Even if the setter makes it seem like he'd want to date you, his first year wing spiker was the only person he could imagine that would seriously want to be your boyfriend. Oikawa hums, thinking of how to word his thoughts without fully giving Kunimi away. "Well, Y/n-chan, I think it's a problem of his confidence. Maybe he really does like you, but doesn't know how you feel. Since he's unsure of your feelings, he probably doesn't think he can seriously let you know his feelings without the possibility of you leaving him. He might be worried that you don't like him back in that way, and he isn't willing to ruin what you two have right now. He might not want to make a move because he's worried about how you'll react. If he's not confident that you like him back, he might hold himself back for the rest of his life."

You furrow your brows. "What can I do about this? I don't know for a fact that he likes me. And I can relate to worrying about losing him forever if he doesn't feel the same way. What do you think I should do, senpai?"

Oikawa smiled gently, glad that your finally looking up to him just a little. "I think you should give it some more time. Pay close attention to him. If you notice a difference in the way he behaves with you and the way he acts around others, then there's a chance he also has feelings for you. If he keeps making these comments, then eventually makes it seem like a joke, depending on your reaction, there's a good chance that you'll have a shot with him."

You smile at the older boy. "Thanks. I really appreciate it, Oikawa-senpai."

Oikawa pats your head gently. "It's nothing, Y/n-chan. I know you're the manager for all of us, but I'm here to help out all of my cute little kouhais. You don't need to worry about anything. I won't say a word about this to anyone else, and you can always come to me if you have anything else you need to talk about. I don't care if you talk about this situation more, or if there's something else bothering you. Don't be scared to come ask your senpai for help."

You nod, your smile growing wider. "Yeah. I will. Thanks again, senpai." You turn and skip off, heading towards your belongings on one of the benches in the gym.

Kunimi had watched you talk with Oikawa, wondering what you two had been talking about. He frowns, a glare forming on his face as he looked at his captain. 'What were they talking about? Oikawa better not have been making moves on her. And Y/n actually seemed happy. What on earth did he say?! I've got to find out. What if Y/n doesn't tell me? Maybe I should go straight to Oikawa-san for this.'

Oikawa feels a glare on him, turning around until he finds Kunimi glaring at him. He sighs, walking over to the younger boy. "Kunimi-chan, what's going on?"

Kunimi spoke without a filter. "What were you talking about with Y/n? Why did she smile at you? How did you make her happy?"

Oikawa's eyes widened. He knew the younger male would be jealous about anyone else getting close to you, but he never thought it would get like this. "Calm down, Kunimi-chan. I was just giving her some advice about a problem she had. It seemed like something was bothering her, so I talked to her about it. Nothing happened between us. There's nothing to worry about."

Kunimi sighed, feeling a little better. "What was this problem? Maybe I could help her, too."

Oikawa shook his head. "She asked me to keep this between her and I. I'm sorry, Kunimi-chan, but I can't tell you."

Kunimi frowned. "Then I'll go ask her myself."

Oikawa reacted quickly, grabbing the younger boy's wrist. "Don't do that! She was barely comfortable talking about it at all. I highly doubt she's want to share her problem with anyone else. I had to pester her in order to get her to confide in me. I don't think she wants to talk about it with anyone anymore."

Kunimi took in a deep breath, letting it out in a sharp exhale. "Fine. I'll leave it be for now. But I expect her to come to me with her future problems."

Oikawa smiled, releasing the boy's wrist. "I think she will come to you with her problems before thinking about talking with anyone else. There might just be some things she won't be willing to talk about with other people. Just be patient. Let Y/n-chan come to you when she's ready."

Kunimi nodded, beginning to walk away. "Thanks, Oikawa-san." He walks away, glancing at you briefly before heading to the club room. 'I'll talk with Y/n later, see if there's anything I can help her with. I just hope she trusts me enough to open up. Y/n, I want to be there for you. Please, talk with me about all your problems. I don't like it when you rely on other people.' He remains silent while changing in the club room, his thoughts revolving around you.

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