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You finish putting up the nets, grabbing the ball carts from the storage room. You look at the gym. It looked ready for practice. All that was needed now were the players to arrive. You grab a ball from the ball cart, standing in the serve area. You toss the ball up, hitting it over the net when it comes back down. You look on in satisfaction as your overhand serve goes over the net, and lands within bounds on the other side. You understood why the guys practice their serves so much, with just that one hit. You walk over to the ball and pick it up, heading back to the ball cart so you can put it back.

The door of the gym opens up, the team filing inside. Kunimi's eyes lit up as he spots you. He hadn't been able to catch you on the way here. Instead, he had been spotted by his teammates and ended up sticking with them. The first year wing spiker wanted to go over to you and talk. He was curious as to why you left your house without him. But he wasn't given a chance to go over to you.

Oikawa clapped his hands. "Y/n-chan! Thank you for getting the gym ready for us. I can't even imagine how long you've been here."

Iwaizumi hit the setter on his head. "Shut up, Lazykawa."

"I don't like these nicknames."


"Now you're just being vulgar!"

The ace and starting setter bicker back and forth. You just stared with a blank expression. You didn't even bother to try stopping them. You didn't care how practice went, as long as you were able to leave at the end of it.

Yahaba noticed the look on your face, walking over to you. "Everything alright, L/n?"

You nod slowly. "Just tired. Tell the other third years to stop Iwaizumi-senpai and Oikawa-senpai. Practice should be starting now."

Yahaba nods, heading over to Hanamaki and Matsukawa. He tells them what you said, and they manage to stop Oikawa and Iwaizumi from bickering any longer. Practice starts, and you sit in a corner, silently observing the boys as they practice.

Every so often, Kunimi looks over. He feels an ache in his chest as he sees the emotionless expression on your face. 'What's wrong with Y/n? Something has to be bothering her, I just don't know what. First, she leaves without me, then she sets up the gym, and now she's not saying a word to anyone. By now, she'd usually make a comment about our practice, or ask a question if there's something she doesn't understand. Why is she so quiet?' Kunimi isn't given the chance to worry about you any longer.


The moment he focuses back on practice, he gets hit in the face with a volleyball. Everything in the gym stops, a silence claiming everyone inside. The players tense, seeing the first year on the floor with his hands on his face.

You stand up, slowly walking over to the boy on the floor. You crouch down, gently placing your hand on one of his shoulders. "Are you ok, Kuni? Does it hurt?"

Kunimi nods his head, feeling too embarrassed to look you in the eye. "A bit."

You hum, thinking of how to point out what happened. "You were distracted. Got something on your mind?"

Again, Kunimi nods. "Yeah... something is on my mind."

You blink slowly, having an idea of what it is. "Focus on personal things at a different time. You're in practice right now. Feelings and the thought of confessing to someone you like can wait until practice is over. You need to give practice your full, undivided attention." You stand back up, preparing to walk back to your corner.

Kunimi tenses, moving his fingers and looking at your back. "How'd you know I was planning to confess to someone?" 'Does she know who? Does she know I plan on telling her my feelings for her, and that I wanted to ask her to be my girlfriend?'

You nod. "Neko told me you came over to ask her for help. I hope this girl you like doesn't break your heart." You feel the strength leave your body, you didn't have the heart to look at your friend. You could feel your heart breaking once again. "I hope she makes you happy." You walk back to your corner, not looking at anyone anymore. Your eyes are glued to the floor as you feel tears welling up in your eyes.

Kunimi sighed, pulling himself into a sitting position. 'She doesn't know it's her. I guess that's a bit pf a relief. I need to thank Neko for not telling Y/n the full truth.'

Kindaichi helps pull the other boy to his feet. "You're going to confess to L/n today?" He keeps his voice low, not wanting you to overhear their conversation.

Kunimi glances at the other first year, also keeping his voice quiet. "Yeah. I plan on doing it during lunch, so don't be surprised if I don't show up."

His teammates nod, soon going back to morning practice. The boys continue on, playing volleyball while they still have the time. Meanwhile, you're moping in the corner, knowing you might lose your best friend later.

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