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When lunch rolled around, you took your book and bento out from your bag. You opened your bento and used chopsticks to eat with one hand, while you used your other hand to read your book.

Kunimi looked at you, somewhat amused, while taking out his own bento. "You even read while eating?"

You nod, not tearing your gaze away from your book. "Yes."

Kunimi was about to say something else, but was cut off when someone called his name.

"Kunimi!" Kindaichi walked over, sitting on the other side of his friend. "Let's eat lunch together."

"Ok." The boy shrugged, starting to eat his lunch. He gestured to you. "This is L/n, by the way."

Kindaichi looked over at you. "Oh, hello. Nice to meet you. I'm Kindaichi Yutaro."

You still don't look away from your book. "Hello." You say nothing more, just eating and reading while you had the chance.

Kunimi chuckled, not taking his eyes off of you as he eats. "She likes to read, and doesn't really talk much. Why are you here anyways, Kindaichi?" He turns to look at the other boy.

Kindaichi's eyes were wide, disbelief written all over his face. "I came here to eat lunch with you, Kunimi. I've never seen you look happy before. Has something happened to make you act so differently?"

Kunimi shrugged. "Dunno what you're talking about. I was just enjoying a quiet lunch with L/n."

You glance over at the two from the corner of your eyes, quickly grabbing another bite to eat. "Is my presence really that pleasant?"

Kunimi looks over at you, eyes wide with surprise. He didn't think you'd speak. "Well, you're calmer and quieter than everyone else. It's nice to have company like yours."

You hum, scanning over the next line in your book. "Interesting. I'm not used to having anyone other than my older sister and her boyfriend say they enjoy my company. Usually people find me too antisocial to even try being around."

Kunimi smiled, looking at only you. "Well, I find your company rather pleasant."

Kindaichi looked at you, eating another bite from his bento. "You have an older sister?"

You nod. "Yes." You continue reading your book, feeding yourself another piece of your food.

Kindaichi tipped his head to one side. "Is she still in high school, or is she a college student?"

"She's a third year at Karasuno high school. Her boyfriend is also a third year that goes to Karasuno."

Kindaichi hummed, his eyes widening. "Kunimi, that's the same school Kageyama goes to."

You close your book slightly, turning to face the two boys with a brow raised. "Who's Kageyama?"

Kunimi looked at you, a small smile still on his face. "He's a former teammate of ours. We went to the same middle school, and he was the setter in our volleyball club."

Your eyes widen briefly. "You guys play volleyball?" Now that you were actually looking at them, they seemed taller than Suga.

Kindaichi nodded, smiling. "Do you know anyone that plays volleyball, L/n?"

You nod, slowly trying to turn back to your food and book. "My sister's boyfriend. He's the starting setter on Karasuno's team."

Kunimi watched as you went back to simultaneously eating and reading. "So, you know things about volleyball?"

"I know the basics. I've never played myself, nor do I have the desire to. I'd rather just go home after school and read or play video games."

Kunimi hummed, taking in this information. "I see."

Kindaichi finished his food, paying full attention to you. "Do you intend on joining any clubs this year?"

You shake your head. "I have no interest in clubs. I like having free time all to myself. Though, I did tell my sister that I'd at least research the clubs at this school and consider joining one."

Kunimi smiled wider, an idea popping into his head. "Why not consider being a manager for the boys' volleyball club?"

You sigh, closing your book after marking your spot. You close your now empty bento, turning to face the boy. "Any reason why?"

Kunimi felt happy to have your full attention. "Well, it'll give you something to do. And I doubt it'll be a whole bunch of work."

Kindaichi nodded, joining in. "You already know things about volleyball, so we wouldn't have to teach someone that doesn't know anything about it. Oh, and you seem like a nice person. I wouldn't mind having you around every day. Though, we don't start club activities until next week, since we're new to the school. Maybe you can join after Kunimi and I are already members."

You thought about it. "We'll see. I'll do research on all the clubs here before deciding. That is, if I end up deciding to join a club at all."

Kunimi kept his eyes on you. "If you need help with anything, I'd be more than happy to lend a hand."

"Thanks." You put your empty bento back into your bag. You look at the book that was still on your desk. 'I was hoping to read more, but it seems like I'm trapped in a conversation instead. What a pain. I was hoping to get farther in the book. I guess I'll use my time after school to read more of it.'

You ended up spending the rest of lunch talking to Kunimi and Kindaichi.

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