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You turn to Kunimi. "Hey, Kuni, did you call for me?"

The other guys on the team laughed. They found you constantly ignoring Oikawa to be the funniest thing they've ever seen. Any time the captain tried gaining your attention, you would turn to Kunimi and see what he needed. At one point, you ran to Kunimi and asked him if he got hurt. He laughed and joked that he was getting a headache, so you gave a kiss to his forehead. He gave a loud sigh and rose his voice to say he felt much better. But that act had made Oikawa pout, considering he wanted your attention.

Oikawa deflated as you, once again, ignored him. "I was the one to call for you, Y/n-chan."

Kunimi looked at you, a smile forming on his face. "Actually, I was trying telepathy this time. I'm glad you heard it. My shoulder's a bit sore. Mind massaging it for me?"

You walk over and immediately give him a shoulder rub. "Dude, you're actually really tense. You need to relax your shoulders more."

Kunimi frowned, turning to look at you. "I asked for a massage, not criticism."

"Well that's too damn bad, you get both for the price of one. Don't be such a baby." You roughly pressed down by one of his pressure points.

"Ow, ow, ow! Not so hard, L/n! That hurts! I'm sorry! I'M SORRY! Please stop hurting me!"

You gently pat the spot, continuing to gently rub the area until you felt the tension almost completely disappear. "There. Now stop calling for me. The whole team has witnessed me baby you this entire practice. I have better things to do with my attention."

Kunimi huffed out a breath, rolling his eyes. "You love taking care of my every demand."

You harshly pressed on a pressure point.

"OW! THAT HURT!" The boy held the area you had touched. "Stop that!"

"Do you want to walk me home tonight or not?"

Kunimi pouted at you. "Of course I wanna walk home with you."

Iwaizumi gathered Kindaichi and Oikawa. "Is Kunimi acting weird around L/n, or is it just me?"

Oikawa nodded. "It's good that I'm not the only one to notice it. Kunimi-chan seems much more carefree around Y/n-chan. It's almost like his childlike side is coming out, or something."

Kindaichi agreed. "Ever since they first met, Kunimi has been starting to act differently, but only when she's around. When they're not together, he goes back to normal."

Iwaizumi hummed. "I see. I think Kunimi might have a crush on L/n. I'm not certain, but that could explain why he's acting differently."

The other two boys nodded. "Maybe."

Meanwhile, Kunimi was following you around. "You're working to hard. Take a break. Let me carry the towels for you."

You raise a brow at him. "I'm fine. Get back to practice, Kuni."

The boy pouted. "I'm going out of my way to help you, and you act as if you don't need or ant me. You're breaking my heart."

You sighed, shaking your head. "Fine, carry half. Then you really need to get back to practice. Can you promise me that you'll actually practice today instead of following me around?"

Kunimi nodded, putting a smile back on his face. "Of course I'll practice. I just wanna help our manager. She has so much work to do, and she's all by herself. I felt bad that you've been doing everything on your own."

You chuckle at his behavior. "Fine, Kuni. I get it. What are you going to do next? Carry my school bag for me on the way home?"

"Now that you mention it, it does look pretty heavy for you. You should let me carry it."

"Kuni! No!" You drop of the towels and turn to the boy, putting your hands on your hips. "Now you better get back to practice. I'm being serious. You need to focus on volleyball, and I have to focus on my manager duties."

Kunimi began sulking. "Fine. I'll practice. Just... let me know the moment you need or want something. I'm here for you, ok? Don't overwork yourself. Oh, and get some rest if you're able to. I know you won't sleep at home, so try taking a small nap while you have nothing to do."

"Kuni. Stop that. I don't need sleep. Please worry about yourself. You're gaining the attention of all of your teammates."

He looks to see the entire team watching his every move. "Whatever. They don't matter. You do."

Your eyes widened. "Kunimi! You can't just say that!" You felt your hear racing, yet you remained a somewhat calm look. Your face wasn't even flushed.

Kunimi grins, leaning in close to your face. "I think you're tired, my dear L/n. Please get some rest while there's time."

You lightly pushed him away. "Fine. I'll try to take a nap. Now, seriously, go practice."

Kunimi smiled at you, briefly sticking his tongue out at you. "I will." He jogs off to join his teammates, who were looking at him as if he had been possessed by a ghost of demon.

You take a seat in a corner of the gym, leaning your head against a wall. 'I don't even feel tired. I can't sleep. I'll just read some manga online. Or maybe, I can read some of the newer fanfics that have been coming out. I think there was a new one for (favorite anime)! OMG! I have to read it!' You began to read a fanfiction on your phone, instead of trying to sleep. But to the guys, you looked like you could've been asleep. All they could see was you head titled down, and your eyelids covering your e/c irises.

Kunimi smiled to himself. 'Good, she's resting.'

The other members of the team looked at him in disbelief. 'He's smiling! Is that really Kunimi?'

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