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Kunimi sighed. He wanted to spend some time with you, but you were busy with your sister. He would've rather joined you. Instead, he was hanging out with some of the other members of the volleyball club. He watched as the second and third years talked. Sometimes Kindaichi would join the conversation. Kunimi remained silent, though. He didn't really wanna be there, so he felt it was best if he kept his mouth shut. Even though he wasn't there willingly, he didn't want to ruin his teammates' fun.

Oikawa noticed the first year being silent. "Kunimi-chan, is everything alright? You don't seem to be enjoying yourself. Was there something you wanted to do instead?"

Yahaba nodded. "We can go get some food, or something. We should all enjoy this time together. You're more than welcome to give suggestions."

Kunimi sighed, shaking his head. "I'm just bummed that Y/n was too busy today. I would've rather spent the day with her."

The others understood the situation perfectly. It didn't take much to understand Kunimi's feelings. They were able to understand the boy better than he knew. All the members of the Aoba Johsai boys' volleyball team knew that Kunimi had romantic feelings for you, whether or not he showed it or was being honest about it. So, of course, the boys understood that Kunimi wasn't in the best of moods since you weren't around. They knew better than other people how much the first year longed to be at your side during all hours of the day, even though at times that was much harder to do.

Kunimi let out a breath, looking away from his teammates. "She probably hasn't been sleeping. I wish I could be there for her. I know she actually sleeps the moment she's in my arms." There was a loving look in Kunimi's eyes as he thought about you.

The other boys could only imagine what the boy was picturing in his mind.

Iwaizumi took a breath. "Why don't you just be honest with how you feel about L/n? It's clear as day that you don't think of her as just a friend. Maybe you should think about telling her how you feel."

Kunimi's eyes widened as he whips his head to face his teammates. "There's no way I can do that! I don't want to be the reason we stop being friends! I don't even know if she feels the same way. It'll be totally awkward to confess to her. She'll hate me if I confess to being in love with her or something."

Kindaichi shook his head. "L/n doesn't seem like that kind of person."

"You never know. There's no problems to how we are now, so I'm leaving things as they are." Kunimi sighed, looking away from his teammates.

Oikawa frowned. "That's not the best option, Kunimi-chan. One day, whether it's today or several years from now, Y/n-chan is going to find out how you feel about her. She told me some of the things you say, then brush off as a joke. It's becoming more and more obvious that you like her. Tell her before she finds someone else." The third year was already aware that you felt the same way towards Kunimi, but he wanted to give the first year a push.

Kunimi's as widened as he looks at the brunette. "Y/n... with someone else?" He felt his heart clench while thinking about that possibility. "That - that can't happen!"

Oikawa gives a genuinely kind smile. "Then let her know you love her, before it's too late. You don't want to always have these feelings, just to find out she once liked you but moved on because she thought there wasn't going to be any chance with you. Make a move before it's too late. I'll be honest, I think you really have a chance with Y/n-chan. Don't waste it because you're too scared to confess. Make her yours while you have a chance."

Kunimi nodded, having not expected Oikawa to say anything like that. "Ok. But, how do I go about confessing?"

The team went silent for a few moments.

Oikawa shrugged. "None of us ever confessed. In fact, I'm used to getting confessions. I'd say that it's much better to be honest no matter what. Try saying some stuff that will make her smile. Good memories are always a nice touch, I think. Just, do what feels natural for you."

"Confessing isn't natural to me, though." Kunimi muttered, starting to feel hopeless about the confession idea.

Iwaizumi sighed. "Kunimi, we might not be able to help you. Do you know anyone that might be able to give you some tips?"

Kunimi thought about it, then an idea popped into his head. "Y/n's older sister might be able to help."

Kindaichi smiled for his friend. "Then, go ask for advice."

Kunimi stands up, nodding at his teammates. "Thanks, guys. I'll be going now." And he walks off.


Neko tipped her head to one side. "Akira-kun? What are you doing here?"

"I need to talk."

"Oh, then I'll go get Y/n-chan for you."

Kunimi shakes his head. "I'd like to talk to you, if that's ok."

Neko moves aside in the doorway, allowing the younger boy to walk inside. "Come in. Y/n's busy with her headphones on in her room. You and I can talk in the living room."

Kunimi nods, sitting on the couch with your sister. "You were the one to confess to your boyfriend, right?"

She nods. "Yes, though technically we confessed at the same time. Why are you asking me?"

"I want to confess to Y/n."

You sister's eyes widened as she stares at the boy beside her. "You're going to confess to Y/n?"

Kunimi's face turns red. "Yes, but I don't know how to go about it. I'd like some advice."

"I'll go make some tea. This could take a while."

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