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Kunimi glances at you all throughout classes. Your expression is unreadable to him, yet it makes him worry. He starts to doubt his plan for confessing. 'Maybe she'll say no. She doesn't seem like she's in any mood to receive a confession. I was hoping today would be like any other day, maybe then I'd be successful in making Y/n my girlfriend. Now, I think I'll get turned down and lose my best friend. Maybe I should pull her to the roof and talk about what's wrong. It might be better to wait for her to be in a better mood before even thinking about confessing to her. I want to make her my girlfriend, but I need to take her feelings into account before I do anything.'

Kunimi lets out a sigh, already feeling stressed out about everything running through his head. He notices that you don't even glance over at him to check up on him, look you usually would if he sighs during class. Now he knows for a fact that something is wrong with you. He just doesn't know what yet, but he plans on finding out during lunch. Maybe he won't be confessing today.

You, however, heard Kunimi sigh. Your heart ached, wanting to know what was bothering him. You shake your head, hoping to clear your thoughts and feelings so you can focus on class once again. But those thoughts are a bit strong for you at the moment. 'What's wrong with Kuni? Wait, no. I shouldn't be thinking about him. His future girlfriend probably wouldn't like it if I keep being close to him like this. My feelings for Kuni will only cause problems for his relationship. I need to stay out of it. His happiness is more important than mine. It hurts... I want to keep Kuni in my life forever, even if we have to remain as just friends. But having friends of the opposite gender while being in a relationship usually spells trouble. I don't want to create problems for Kuni, so I should probably distance myself from him now. Maybe, we really will stop being friends, as much as I hate that thought. I'll do it, though, if that's what'll be best for Kuni and his love life.' It was your turn to release a sigh.

And it didn't go unnoticed. Kunimi leaned over slightly, whispering in your ear. "Is something wrong?"

You shake your head. "It's nothing you need to worry about. Just focus on sensei. Your grades shouldn't suffer because of me." You don't even glance at him, your eyes were focused on the lesson that was being taught.

Kunimi furrows his brows, concern for you growing. 'There's no chance I can confess today. Shit. My plans are ruined. I have to get Y/n into a decent mood, just so things will go back to normal for the day. Maybe I'll have better luck with confessing tomorrow.' He returns his attention to the front of the classroom, giving the teacher his focus. He still had a bad feeling about you and how you were behaving, but that's not what he's able to focus on at the moment. Though, he's not fully able to pay attention to what he's being taught. His mind is still teeming with thoughts of you.

When lunch finally rolls around, you attempt to put your head on your arms, which were resting on your desk. You wanted to try taking a nap, already feeling exhausted due to your emotions.

Kunimi, however, grabbed one of your arms. He pulled you out of the classroom, leading you to the roof. "I need to talk to you, Y/n." He doesn't explain himself any further as he continues to drag you up to the roof of the school. He only lets go of your arm when you two reach the destination Kunimi had been heading towards.

You raise a brow at him, staring at the boy once you two were alone on the roof. "Talk to me about what?"

"I know something's wrong with you. I don't know what it is, but I'm worried about you. I can't do anything until I know you feel better."

You frown, your heart aching. "Why worry about me. Don't you have a confession to give someone?"

Kunimi looked taken aback by your words, and the harsh tone in your voice. "I can't confess until you feel better. Your happiness is more important than my own selfish desires."

You scoff, rolling your eyes. "Why do you care about me? Your crush should be more important than you. You want to be happy, then go confess to her."

He shifts uncomfortably. "I really can't do that. Please, just tell me what's wrong. I want to help you before I do anything else. You're so important to me, Y/n. I put you before myself, no matter what's going on." His voice was pleading, his eyes begging you to talk to him about your problems.

"You want to know what's wrong? You plan on confessing to someone and I have to sit back and watch just so you can be happy. I want to selfishly keep you all to myself! I like you so much, but it doesn't even matter because I'm not the girl you love!"

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