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Kunimi sighed the moment his alarm went off. Since you're no longer going to practice with him, he doesn't have any reason to go to your house this morning. It made him sad, knowing his time with you was going to be restricted to just time together in class. He couldn't even think of a good excuse to use in order to stop by your house. And he didn't want to bother you, since your alarm was no longer set to get you up on time for morning practice.

Kunimi rolls out of bed, already hating everything. The only thing that made getting out of bed worth while was the fact that he'd be able to see and hug you. He knew that he'll end up glaring at everyone on the volleyball team, since it was their fault that you had to quit. After all the hard work Kunimi had put in to convince you to be the manager for the volleyball team, you weren't going to be around him while he was doing something he loved. Kunimi roughly messed up his hair, letting out a groan of frustration at the situation.

The boy was partially blaming himself, since he didn't help you when you were speaking up against this condition for the practice match. He even met Suga and was feeling bad, feeling like he was a part of the problem. Reluctantly, he got out of bed and got ready for morning practice, a frown resting on his face. He was going to end up reverting to his normal behavior during practice, since you were no longer going to be around to brighten everything up for him. He was thinking about giving his teammates an earful about the situation, but decided to not do anything. If anyone asks about you at practice, he'll tell the truth. And maybe guilt trip all of them, making sure they know it's their fault. If they try thinking of ways to get you back, Kunimi just might explain the situation between your sister and the Karasuno volleyball team, including the fact that you and Suga are actually really close.

Kunimi grins, knowing he's about to make hell for his team today. 'They'll know they fucked up. I'll make sure of it.' He leaves his house, making his way to morning practice.

Meanwhile, you were just finishing up with your all night gaming. You stand and stretch, going over to your phone so you could check the time. Your eyes widened when you saw that it was almost time that the boys would be going to morning practice. You quickly leave your room, seeing that Suga wasn't there. You look around the corner, into the kitchen.

Your sister slowly turns around, spotting you. "Everything ok, Y/n-chan?"

You nod, walking closer to her. "Yeah, just finished playing some games. I didn't realize the time." You hesitate, shifting your weight from one foot to the other. "Did Suga and Akira come by?"

Neko's eyes widened briefly, before a gentle smile spread on her lips. "Koushi left a few minutes ago so he could get to practice. Akira-kun didn't stop by. I'm guessing he didn't want to bother you before heading off to practice. He probably has a reason, just talk to him later when you're at school."

You groan, leaning against a wall. "Do I have to go to school? The whole volleyball team will probably harass me during breaks."

"You don't know that for a fact. And I bet that Akira-kun will miss you if he doesn't get to see you. He probably wants nothing more than to spend as much time with you as he can get, since you won't have practice together."

You nod, turning to head back to your room. "Ok. I'm gonna go get ready."

"Alright." She watches as you walk away, sighing to herself as you disappear. 'I wonder how things will go between her and Akira-kun.'

Back in the club room, Kunimi finished getting changed and was heading to the gym. Usually, he would be here earlier since you liked getting to school somewhat early, but today he was just barely on time. When he entered the gym, he was met by his teammates murmuring amongst themselves.

Once the other guys noticed Kunimi, they pushed Kindaichi towards him. Kunimi raised a brow, tipping his head to one side as he was being approached by his friend.

Kindaichi rubs the back of his neck once he was close enough to Kunimi. "Hey, Kunimi, you usually come with L/n, right? Where is she?"

"Not here."

"Is she sick?"

Kunimi shakes his head. "She's fine, probably just doing stuff at home."

Kindaichi's eyes widened. "Then, why isn't she at practice?"

"She's not our manager anymore, duh. She quit after the bullshit from yesterday's practice. She has a connection to the Karasuno team."

The rest of the team was shocked, but Oikawa stepped closer to the first year boys, entering the conversation. "How does she have a connection to Karasuno?"

Kunimi wore his usual bored expression as he explained. "Her older sister is dating their third year setter. In fact, you guys really pissed off Y/n and her sister. When her sister found out, she practically exploded and made it clear that she doesn't want Y/n involved with this team. And, Y/n is pretty close with that setter. So that's it. She's not our manager anymore." He begins walking away, trying to start morning practice.

The rest of the boys eventually start moving for practice. None of them could believe that you really quit, but you never showed up. Reality hit them hard.

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