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You sat at your desk, playing the new video game you had recently bought. You focused on it, not realizing the time. But the time didn't matter to you. You hadn't felt tired since you were in your classes. Sleep didn't mater to you, especially not since it had been getting harder for you to fall asleep. You pretty much gave up trying to sleep at this point. You seemed to only be able to sleep, and receive a good amount of sleep, whenever Kunimi was laying in bed with you.

You let out a sigh, quickly checking the time. 'After midnight, huh? Well, there's no point in trying to fall asleep now. I can play for a while longer, then switch over to reading. I still have some manga that I need to finish. Kunimi would be upset if he found out I wasn't even trying to sleep. And I hadn't slept at all during practice, even though he thinks that I did. Man, why do people care so much about sleeping? I have fucking insomnia. I don't remember the last time I was able to sleep well without someone or something to help me. Melatonin no longer works on me, and any time a doctor tries prescribing something to me, I get used to it within a month or two. Who needs sleep anyways?! Sleep is for the weak!'

You continued to play your video game for a few more hours. When you checked the time again, you had only an hour to do whatever before you had to start getting ready for morning practice. You paused your game, turning your pc off. You got out of your chair, stretching your limbs out. You let out a small yawn, then walked over to your bed, where you lay on your back. You grab your phone, which was on the charger, opening it to start reading some manga online.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. It cracked open, your sister peeking inside the room. "I knew you'd be awake. Mind helping me with something really quick?"

You sat up, turning off your phone and putting it down on your bed. "What did you need help with, nee-san?"

She opens the door more, leaning on the door frame. "Well, Koushi usually comes over early to make us all lunch and breakfast. I was thinking we could make the food today."

"Oh, well I'm fine with cooking with you." You stand up, walking over to your sister.

Neko smiles. "Oh, do you have morning practice with your team today?"

You nod. "Kuni was thinking of picking me up so we could walk together."

"Let's make some food for him, too, then."

You shrug, walking out of your room. "Ok."

Your sister stops you, holding her hand in front of you. "We should get changed first. Put on your uniform, do your morning routine, then meet me in the kitchen." She walks out, closing the door behind her.

You sigh, turning back into your room. You grab your uniform and start changing. You brush your hair and teeth, then complete the rest of your morning routine. You look at yourself in the mirror, thinking this was the best it was gonna get, then leave your bathroom. You walk to the kitchen, not spotting your sister as you turned the light on. You shrug to yourself, then grab some of the things you'd need to make bentos. You thought it would be best to make the bentos first, so that the breakfast will be fresher for when the boys come over.

Neko walks into the kitchen, seeing you getting started. "I didn't expect to see you in here this early. You never get ready before me. Maybe I took too long with straightening my hair." She looked at her hair, which is usually wavy, but is currently straight. "Does it look good, at least?"

You look at the older girl. "Nee-san, you've been practicing with the flat iron. It looks much better than when you first tried straightening your hair. The back of your hair looks perfect."

Your sister smiles at you, joining you by the stove. "Why, thank you, my beloved baby sister. I think I look better with straight hair, especially now that I've grown it past my shoulders. It almost makes me look like a J-rocker, huh?"

You chuckle at her. "I mean, kind of."

She chuckles before turning her attention to the food prep you had started doing. "Man, Koushi and Akira-kun are going to love this. Ooo! Are you gonna make a special bento for Akira-kun?"

You raise a brow at her. "Why would I make a special bento for him? I'm making it the same as mine."

Neko frowns slightly. "So you're not crushing on Akira-kun?"

"Why would you think that?"

"You two have cuddled together in your bed, and you're telling me you never even thought of the possibility that feelings could potentially form between you two?"

You shook your head. "Why would I like him as anything more than a friend? You know I'm not the kind of person to catch feelings like that."

Your sister lets out a huff. "You really don't have a love life to share with me. I wanna be able to give you advice on relationships, but you're making it so hard! You should start developing a crush on someone."

"I guess, Kuni would be that person, if I were to ever start liking someone as more than a friend. But, I can't say that I have those types of feelings right now. How would I even know if I did have romantic feelings for someone?"

Neko smiled, pride swelling in her chest. "Well, you're heart will beat faster, you'll feel heat building in your face. You will find yourself thinking about one person more than anything else, and feel happy when you think about them. You'll try spending more time around him, or her, if that's what you prefer. I won't judge. I almost left Koushi for his manager, Kiyoko. She just gets my bi side to come out more. I've tried asking if she'd like to join in a poly relationship."

"Nee-san, I didn't need to know that you simp for Suga's manager." You deadpan.

She rolls her eyes. "I'm just saying that whenever you catch feelings, I will have open arms for you. I'll accept any partner to bring home, regardless of sexuality or sexual orientation. This home is a safe space for all people."

You rolled your eyes. "What if I turn out to be asexual?"

"I will love you just as much. Nothing could make me love my baby sis any less. I will accept you for who you are, regardless of what that entails. Just try not to do anything illegal."

You smile at her. 'I have the best sister in the world.'

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