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As your heart races within your chest, you tightly cling to William's back, urging the horse to gallop at its swiftest pace. The urgency to reach Enzo grips your every thought, compelling you to hasten your journey. Regret courses through your veins as you berate yourself for leaving him alone in such a vulnerable state. How could you have been so foolish?

The absence of the orb weighs heavily on your mind—the very orb that possesses the power to heal Enzo, potentially saving his life. You ponder the possibility of his survival without its restorative properties, but the fervent wish for his recovery remains steadfast within you.

As you and William arrive at the edge of the forest, you dismount the horse in a swift motion, sprinting deeper into the woods. Upon reaching the designated location, your heart constricts with anguish upon seeing Enzo lying on a makeshift bed, his complexion pallid, and his consciousness elusive. Palace servants attend to him, their gazes filled with both pity and trepidation. They inform you that they stumbled upon him by chance and were directed by Phil to provide aid.

Turning your head, you observe Phil standing by Enzo's side, his countenance grave and concerned. He greets you and William, his voice laced with somberness, and proceeds to deliver the unwelcome news.

"Unfortunately, the orb—"

"Has been stolen," William interjects, his voice laced with frustration.

"I see you are already aware of the situation," Phil responds calmly, acknowledging your knowledge.

"What do we do, Phil?!" William's voice resonates with urgency. "We must retrieve it. The orb is our only defense against enemy forces. Without it, we are vulnerable!"

Attempting to diffuse the tension, you place a comforting hand on William's back. "Take a moment, William. Let us approach this calmly."

"CALM DOWN?!" He snaps, his frustration reaching its boiling point. "How can you expect me to remain calm when my cherished brother lies there, unconscious? And the others are held captive while one attempts a rescue mission... and he has yet to return! It can only mean one thing—he has failed! You don't understand, so just... just shut up!"

Staggering backward, your hand instinctively covers your mouth, shock etched across your features. This side of William, the eruption of raw emotion, is foreign to you. He has always maintained composure, never straying from his self-imposed boundaries. The intensity he displays now is unlike anything you have witnessed before.

"William, anger will not serve us in these trying times," Phil interjects, his voice steady and composed. "We must approach this with rationality and clarity of mind."

Survival (Yandere Boys X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now