NINE: Tooth Acquired

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You wake up every morning before dawn, feeling the soreness in your muscles and the determination in your heart. You have one month to prepare for your fight against Enzo, the one that will decide Thomas' fate on whether he gets to join the royal assassins or not. You are not afraid, you are ready.

You meet your Eret and Will, at the training ground. They are both experienced assassins, who have seen many battles and survived. They are tough, but fair. They push you to your limits, but they also praise you when you do well. They teach you how to use a sword, how to parry, how to strike, how to dodge. You practice with them, sparring and dueling, learning from their moves and their mistakes.

You also train with test dummies, wooden figures that resemble your enemies. You slash and stab them, imagining they are real. You learn how to aim for the vital spots, how to deal the most damage, how to finish them quickly. You also learn how to defend yourself, how to block, how to counter, how to escape. You practice with different weapons, swords, daggers, axes, spears. You find your favorite, the one that suits your style and personality.

You also battle against your mentors, in simulated scenarios that mimic real situations. You face them one-on-one, or two-on-one, or even three-on-one, with other assassins joining the fray. You learn how to fight in different terrains, in different weather, in different times of day. You learn how to adapt, how to improvise, how to overcome. You learn how to work as a team, how to communicate, how to coordinate. You learn how to trust, how to respect, how to care.

You also rest, eat, sleep, and heal. You know that training is not everything, that you also need to take care of your body and mind. You relax, laugh, joke, and bond with your mentors and fellow assassins. You share your stories, your dreams, your fears. You make friends, allies, maybe even more. You feel happy, proud, hopeful.

You are ready. You have trained hard, learned much, grown strong. You have one month to prove yourself to Enzo, to show what you can do, to become a warrior. You are not afraid, you are ready....


You stand in the middle of the courtyard, holding a sword in your hand. You feel a mix of excitement and nervousness as you face your opponent, Enzo. He's Tom's, Toby's, Eret's, William's brother. He is also arrogant, cruel, and handsome at the same time, you've just notice it know that your staring him in his golden eyes.

You remember your bet with him. If you win this duel, he will let Thomas join the royal assassins. Remembering Thomas dream of becoming one of the royal assassins, but he was rejected by Enzo. You know Tom has the skills and the courage to be a great assassin, and you want to help him achieve his goal.

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