FOUR: Twin Thieves

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The dawn had barely broken when you and Onin set out for the capital city of Del Valeor. The air was crisp, and the first light of day cast a golden hue over the cobblestone streets. You were both silent, lost in your thoughts, as the city slowly woke around you.

As you walked, a cloaked figure emerged from the morning mist, bumping into you with such force that you stumbled. Before you could regain your balance, you realized your pouch—the one Seth had given you, filled with your scant winnings from yesterday—was gone. "Thief!" You shouted, and without hesitation, you both gave chase.

The thief was nimble, darting through the awakening throng with ease. You followed, your heart pounding in your chest, as you navigated the labyrinthine alleyways of Del Valeor. "Split up!" you called to Onin, and like two streams diverging, you pursued the fleeting shadow of the cloaked figure.

You leapt over crates, skirted around merchants setting up their stalls, and clambered onto rooftops, all the while keeping your eyes fixed on the thief. The chase was relentless, but so were you. "You shall not escape justice this day!" you vowed under your breath.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, you and Onin managed to corner the thief in a narrow dead-end alley. "End of the line," Onin declared, his chest heaving from the exertion.

The thief turned, cornered and desperate, his back against the wall. "You don't understand," he pleaded, his voice muffled by the cloak.

"Understand? You stole from me!" you retorted, anger flaring within you. "Now, show your face!"

With a swift motion, Onin reached forward and pulled back the hood. The morning light revealed...


A character has appeared!

Raisean Ivory

Status: ---
Attraction Scale: ---


The morning light revealed a face unknown to you, yet there was something oddly familiar about the thief's light, wavy hair and deep brown eyes. He was young, perhaps in his early twenties, and his gaze held a mix of cockiness and defiance.

"Who are you?" you demanded, your voice echoing off the alley walls.

The thief remained silent, his eyes darting around as if looking for an escape. It was Onin who broke the silence, his voice laced with surprise. "Raisean? Raisean Ivory?"

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