TWO: First Day Troubles

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Hearing a faint knock on your door, you slowly got up from the surprisingly comfortable bed that you slept in. To be honest this bed was fluffier compared to the one you had in Nevada and the one back home. Yawning, before you quickly got up and walk towards the door.

Upon opening it you were met with the same blue-eyed boy from before. He had the same bored and stoic expression on his face. Averting your eyes towards the basket that was in his hands.

"Emperor Jack give this to you told me," he states calmly as he hands you the woven basket filled with new clothes and a couple of toiletries. "Me show you town, meet I back here twenty minutes." With that he leaves.

Grabbing a few bathing products and a pair of fresh clothes from the basket, as you headed to the bathroom. After a much deserve wash, you waited in your room for Seth to come back. It's a miracle that you can actually understand that guy. But the more you hear him talk the more familiar you are with his wrong use of grammar.

After the said twenty minutes, another knock was heard through your closed door. Getting up, you prepared yourself to go. Opening the door you gave the male a small smile as you stepped out of your room.

"So, where are we going first?" you asked as you followed behind him.

"The Shack," Seth answers. "Trust in me you must have, take you I best place in Del Valeor."

Sighing, you calm your nerves down as you realized it be best to just sit this one out and let Seth take you to this 'shack' that he's talking about. "Lead the way," you gestured ad the male takes his lead, soon following right after him.


As you and Seth finally reached your destination, you find yourself in front of a small hut that could possibly be a pub. Due the many numbers of people walking in and out of it. You watched as the black male entered the building, and walking straight to the front

There, a blond girl was serving, along with two other people -you assume they are royal assassins, due to the same uniform that Seth had worn- a ginger male with a hood on to cover up the top of his head, and a short-haired, tall girl with blue eyes. They stare at you,  as you both walk to the front.

"Hey Seth, who's this girl you brought in here?" The ginger male perks up as he removes his hood. Only to reveal fox like ears that positioned themselves perfectly on top his fiery hair. Backing away a little, you try to distance yourself from this weird man. And as if he could hear what you were thinking, he walks closer towards you.

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