Royal Assassin Specialization Quiz

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Good day everyone, I know it's been a month since I i have posted anything. And this update is not related to the story and any way. But it is a quiz that you can take yourself. I made a quiz that can determine what royal assassin specialization you are based on your answers. So have fun answering these questions and make sure you tally your your answers!

1. When faced with a difficult decision, you:

A. Weigh the pros and cons before acting.
B. Look for loopholes or alternative angles.
C. Consider the magical influences at play.
D. Reflect on how your actions align with natural order.
E. Think about the most efficient way to proceed.

. Consult with your allies in the city.

2. Your favorite downtime activity is:

A. Practicing combat maneuvers.
B. Planning the perfect crime.
C. Experimenting with new spells.
D. Gardening or caring for plants.
E. Building or fixing things.
F. People-watching from a café.

3. The trait you value most in others is:

A. Courage.
B. Cunning.
C. Wisdom.
D. Tranquility.
E. Diligence.
F. Sociability.

4. Your ideal vacation would be:

A. A survivalist adventure.
B. A mystery tour.
C. A magical retreat.
D. A nature expedition.
E. A voyage at sea.
F. An urban exploration.

5. You're most comfortable in:

A. Armor, ready for battle.
B. Disguises that let you blend in anywhere.
C. Robes that signify your magical expertise.
D. Clothes made from natural materials.
E. Gear suitable for sailing or swimming.
F. Stylish, city-appropriate attire.

6. Your preferred method of conflict resolution is:

A. A duel.
B. A clever trick.
C. A spell.
D. Diplomacy.
E. Hard work.
F. A debate.

7. If you could have any magical creature as a pet, it would be:

A. A ferocious dragon.
B. A sneaky basilisk.
C. An exotic Nightengale.
D. A peaceful moon wolf.
E. A miniature kraken.
F. A clever vanara.

8. Your favorite type of story is:

A. An epic war saga.
B. A clever heist.
C. A tale of magical discovery.
D. A story about harmony with nature.
E. A seafaring adventure.
F. An urban legend.

9. In a group project, you:

A. Take charge and lead.
B. Look for ways to maximize the outcome.
C. Offer creative solutions.
D. Ensure everyone's well-being.
E. Put in the most effort.
F. Coordinate the team's efforts.

10. Your dream home is:

A. A fortress.
B. A hidden lair.
C. A tower filled with books and artifacts.
D. A cottage in the woods.
E. A ship you can call home.
F. A luxurious castle in the middle of the kingdom.

11. When executing a mission, you:

A. Strike quickly and decisively.
B. Use stealth and avoid detection.
C. Weave illusions to confuse your targets.
D. Move with the silence of the wind.
E. Endure through any hardship.
F. Adapt to the urban environment.

12. Your favorite time of day is:

A. High noon, when the sun is at its peak.
B. Twilight, the boundary between day and night.
C. Midnight, under the cover of darkness.
D. Dawn, when nature awakens.
E. Evening, as the tide comes in.
F. Rush hour, when the city is most alive.

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