FOURTEEN: Prince To The Rescue

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Eret crouched behind the dense foliage, his keen eyes trained on the enemy encampment before him. As part of the emperor's elite group of royal assassins, he had been tasked with spying on the Ervanszian forces, gathering intelligence on their movements and any potential weaknesses.

For hours, Eret and his small band of loyal men had observed the camp, taking note of the sheer size and discipline of the enemy army. They had also witnessed the harsh treatment of the civilian prisoners, forced to toil as slaves or subjected to brutal interrogation.

Suddenly, one of Eret's men tapped him on the shoulder, handing him a telescope. "Your highness, you need to see this," the soldier whispered.

Eret took the instrument and peered through it, scanning the camp for any notable developments. And then, his heart sank as he recognized two familiar figures being dragged by a group of Ervanszian soldiers – (Y/N) and Toby, his own younger brother.

The two of you looked battered and bruised, and Eret felt a surge of anger and fear coursing through him. How had you ended up in this predicament? And where was Thomas?

Eret's gaze narrowed as he identified the captor – Geron Flitch, a man he despised with every fiber of his being. Clenching his fists, the royal assassin knew he had to act, and act quickly.

Turning to one of his men, Eret barked out his orders. "Alert William and Lorenzo. Tell them to meet me here, immediately."

"Yes, your highness," the soldier replied, bowing before swiftly departing to deliver the message.

Eret's mind raced, his heart pounding with a mix of determination and dread. He had to save you and Toby, and he had to do it before it was too late. The thought of losing either of you was unthinkable, and he would stop at nothing to ensure your safety.

As he waited for his fellow assassins to arrive, Eret's grip tightened on his weapon, his eyes fixed on the Ervanszian camp, his resolve hardening with each passing moment. This was a battle he could not afford to lose, for the stakes were far too high.


Eret's eyes remained fixed on the Ervanszian camp, his mind racing as he formulated a plan of action. Moments later, the sound of approaching footsteps drew his attention, and he turned to see Enzo and William striding towards him.

"Eret, what was so important that you had us called here?" Enzo demanded, his brow furrowed in concern.

Without a word, Eret handed the two assassins the telescopes, gesturing towards the encampment. "You may want to take a good look at this."

As William and Enzo peered through the lenses, their expressions shifted from confusion to horror.

"No way," William breathed, his voice laced with disbelief. "Tommy is tied to a cross."

"That's not the only thing, William," Enzo interjected, his gaze narrowing. "Look lower. (Y/N) and Toby are being surrounded by Ervanszian soldiers."

William's panic was palpable. "So what's the plan?" he asked, his eyes pleading. "We can't just leave them there, right?"

Eret's expression hardened with determination. "I've already got a plan," he announced. "I'll save them. Enzo, you focus on Ledger. William, try to distract Verlice and Flitch for me. Plan agreed?"

"Agreed!" the two assassins replied in unison, their resolve mirroring Eret's own.

As the trio prepared to execute their strategy, (Y/N)'s mind raced, the chaos of the encampment overwhelming your senses. The arrow that had struck Jeo had provided a brief window of opportunity, and you seized it without hesitation, breaking free from your restraints and making a desperate dash for freedom.

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