TEN: Assassin Specialization

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The morning light had barely begun to seep through the heavy drapes when the sound of footsteps approached. You groaned inwardly, recognizing the soft but determined steps of Allysa. As the door creaked open, you wondered, not for the first time, why your chambers seemed to have a revolving door for your fellow assassins. Onin had a habit of barging in unannounced, and now Allysa was following suit.

'Why can't they all be like Seth?' you mused, recalling the courteous knock that always preceded his entrance.

"Rise and shine, (Y/N)," Allysa chimed, pulling the curtains back with a flourish. "The sun waits for no one, and neither does our duty."

You sat up, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. "Is it too much to ask for a lock on that door?" you grumbled, though the hint of a smile tugged at your lips. Allysa only laughed, a sound that echoed the lightness of dawn.

"Come now, we have much to do today," she urged, tossing you your gear. "Your first day as a royal assassin awaits, and we must discover where your talents lie."

Dressing quickly, you followed Allysa through the winding corridors of the Valeor palace. The stone walls, usually cold and unyielding, seemed to whisper secrets of past intrigues and silent shadows. "So, what's this about specializations?" you asked, eager to learn more about your new role.

Allysa glanced at you, her eyes gleaming with a mix of pride and excitement. "Each of us has a unique skill set, a specialization that defines our approach to the art of assassination," she explained. "Onin is Forest Wise, able to navigate and utilize the wilderness like no other. Seth, with his affinity for the sea, is Sea Wise. Nikita's mastery of arcane arts has earned her the title of Magic Wise."

You nodded, intrigued by the diversity of skills within your ranks. "And what about Mitch?" you inquired.

"Crime Wise," Allysa replied. "She has an uncanny ability to think like our targets, predicting their moves and staying one step ahead."

The two of you reached a secluded courtyard, the morning air crisp and invigorating. "Then there's Felix and me, City Wise," she continued. "We blend into the urban sprawl, becoming part of the city's heartbeat."

"And the Ivory twins?" you pressed on, your curiosity piqued.

"Army Wise," Allysa said with a hint of admiration. "They understand the ebb and flow of battle, the strategy of war."

You pondered the possibilities, wondering where your own strengths would emerge. "And me?" you asked, a tinge of uncertainty in your voice.

"That, my friend, is what we're here to find out," Allysa said, a knowing smile on her pale face. "Today, we explore your potential, and by dusk, your specialization will reveal itself."

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