THREE: Infiltration

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"Here, you'll need this," Kaide said, handing you an elegantly designed masquerade mask. You accepted it gratefully, the f/c accessory complementing your ball gown perfectly, completing your alluring disguise.

According to Kaide's plan, your role was to distract the three royal assassins of Nevada - William Quartz, Eret Vangiance, and Lorenzo Hellbringer. Kaide had informed you that Lorenzo was the most cunning of the trio, and thus your primary target for the evening.

Kaide's own task was to locate the orb and determine its exact whereabouts, while Geron and Jeo were stationed outside, tasked with planting diversionary bombs to create the necessary chaos.

"You remember the plan?" Kaide asked, and you nodded in affirmation.

"Good, then I'll be on my way," he said, turning to leave. But before he could take a step, you reached out and grabbed his hand, pulling him back to face you.


Kaide Ledger

Status: ---
Attraction level: -10%



Your actions seemed to have an
unexpected effect, as the notification on your screen indicated a 10% increase in Kaide's attraction level towards you. You couldn't help but wonder what had prompted this shift, but you quickly pushed the thought aside, focusing on the task at hand.

"What?" Kaide asked, a hint of impatience in his voice as his green eyes bore into your (e/c) ones.

"Who do I approach first?" you inquired, "And how can I get a conversation started with them?"

Kaide shrugged nonchalantly. "I don't know, try your luck with William," he said. "He's a bit of a 'fuck boy,' so he'll likely take an interest in you." His gaze raked over your form, taking in the curves accentuated by your gown, and you couldn't help but feel a slight flush creep up your cheeks.

"As for getting a conversation started," he continued, "just be your charming self. Flirt a little, bat your eyelashes, and I'm sure he'll be putty in your hands."

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