ONE: A Video Game?

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'I need to go home.'

That was the only thing in your mind as you ran your hands over the numerous dusty books that seated themselves far back on the discounted shelf. You couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. What a beautiful day it is today. And what better way to start a good weekend than to go thrifting! The thrill of finding hidden treasures always brought a smile to your face. And so, here you are now inside your favorite thrift store, on a mission to uncover vintage video games that hold a special place in your heart.

Being in college is undoubtedly challenging, and video games have become your solace amidst the chaos of assignments and exams. They transport you to different worlds, allowing you to momentarily escape the pressures of reality. As you flip over countless discs, your eyes catch a glimpse of something intriguing. Pulling it out, you find an old video game CD covered in a layer of dust. Gently blowing the dust away, you read the title of the game, "Survival." The cover promises an adventure filled with mystery and the challenge to collect ten mystical items. Sounds promising, you thought. Maybe this game could be a hidden gem, waiting to be discovered.

Carelessly placing the CD on your cart, you continue your hunt for more goodies on sale. The thrill of the treasure hunt fuels your excitement as you explore each aisle. Soon enough, your cart is filled with an assortment of treasures, both old and new. With a satisfied smile, you head to the checkout counter, eager to embark on your gaming journey.

The cashier swiftly totals and wraps your items, but as you prepare to pay, a nagging feeling tugs at the back of your mind. Something feels amiss. Looking back towards your cart, your eyes land on the forgotten CD. "That's right," you curse mentally. "That's what I forgot." Grabbing it from the cart, you hand it towards the cashier, who visibly reacts with surprise. Her widened eyes and audible gasp pique your curiosity.

"Ma'am, are you sure you want to purchase that old CD?" she asks in a hushed voice, her concern evident.

Confusion mixes with intrigue as you respond, "Yes, I am. May I know what the problem is?"

The cashier takes a moment to gather her thoughts before speaking cautiously, "Well, many people have bought that CD before, and most of them would return it... for free, even. They claim that it's cursed and playing it could result in some unfortunate events in your life."

A skeptical smile graces your lips as you confidently state, "I don't believe in those things. Superstitions and curses are just figments of imagination. Besides, any strange occurrences experienced by previous buyers were most likely mere coincidences."

Survival |Yandere Boys X Female ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant