EIGHT: A Duel With Raisean Ivory

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The first light of dawn had barely touched the sky when Onin's voice roused you from sleep. "Rise and shine," he said, a hint of excitement in his voice. You groaned, the comfort of your bed holding you captive, but Onin was persistent. "We have a lot to do today," he reminded you, and so, with a yawn and a stretch, you began the day.

Training with Onin was never easy, but today felt different. There was a determination in the air, a silent promise that each drop of sweat and every strained muscle was a step towards something greater. Hours passed, the sun tracing its arc across the sky, and it was only when the horizon began to swallow the sun that you both finally stopped.

Your muscles ached, a satisfying burn that spoke of hard work and progress. You were about to suggest another round when the sound of footsteps approached. It was the Ivory twins, Raisean and Raine, their identical faces wearing different expressions.

Raisean stepped forward, a pouch in his hand. "I believe this belongs to you," he said, tossing it at your feet. It was the pouch he had stolen just days before. "Keep it. I've found a better calling," he declared with a smirk, patting the emblem sewn into his tunic. "Royal assassin," he announced, as if the title was a key to untold riches.

Before you could respond, Raisean's hand moved to his pocket, producing a gem that shimmered even in the fading light. "A Nightengale's gem," he boasted, his eyes gleaming with pride. "Not an easy prize, but well worth the—"

"Raisean!" Raine's voice cut through his brother's bragging, sharp and reprimanding. "That's enough." He turned to you, his expression apologetic. "I'm sorry for my brother's behavior. He forgets himself sometimes."

You looked between the two, the contrast stark. Raisean, with his arrogance and newfound status, and Raine, who seemed to carry the weight of his brother's actions on his shoulders. "It's alright," you finally said, accepting the pouch. "But Raisean, being a royal assassin doesn't give you the right to brag about it."

Raisean's face hardened, but before he could retort, Raine intervened. "He knows. We'll make sure it doesn't happen again." He gave you a nod, a silent promise, before turning to his brother. "Let's go," he said, and with a final glance back at you.

"NO. I wanna fight you," The male declared.

Raisean's challenge hung in the air, a taunt that you couldn't ignore. "Let's see what you're made of," he sneered, his eyes alight with the thrill of confrontation. Onin nodded, a silent agreement to the test, but Raine's face was etched with concern. "Be careful," he warned, his voice low. "Raisean doesn't know when to stop."

But you were resolute, determined to prove your mettle. Wooden swords in hand, you faced Raisean, the clack of wood echoing through the clearing as the duel began. He was relentless, each strike a test of your skill and resolve. "Is that all you've got?" he taunted, his words sharp as his sword.

Sweat beaded on your brow, your arms heavy from the exertion. Time seemed to stretch, each second a battle in itself. Raisean grew impatient, his attacks more vicious, more personal. "You're weak," he mocked, his voice a venomous whisper.

The sun dipped lower, shadows lengthening as the duel wore on. You could feel your strength waning, but your spirit remained unbroken. Raisean, sensing victory, raised his sword for a final, crippling blow. "Time to end this," he hissed.

But fate had other plans. In a blur of motion, Raine stepped in, his own wooden sword meeting Raisean's with a force that sent shockwaves through the air. The impact was thunderous, and Raisean was sent flying, his body crashing into a tree with a sickening thud. Silence fell, broken only by the sound of his unconscious form sliding to the ground.


Raine Ivory

Status: Acquaintance
Attraction Scale: 10%



Raine's apology was swift, his voice filled with regret. "I'm sorry," he said, his gaze never leaving his brother's still figure. With a strength born of necessity, he hoisted Raisean's body over his shoulder and began the solemn walk away from the clearing.

You and Onin exchanged a look, a mix of disbelief and relief passing between you. Then, laughter bubbled up, a release of tension and adrenaline. "Well, that was unexpected," Onin chuckled, sheathing his sword. "But you held your own."

You nodded, the laughter still dancing in your eyes. "I guess I did," you replied, the ache in your muscles a testament to the day's trials. As the laughter faded, you knew that this was a story you would recount for years to come, a tale of bravery, folly, and the bond of friendship that held strong even in the face of rivalry.



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